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    At its meeting on January 26, 2024, the Board of Land and Natural Resources will consider enforcement action against the owners of the vessel Nakoa, which, in February 2023, damaged and destroyed 119 specimens of stony coral and 1640.5 square meters of live rock when it grounded outside the Honolua-Mokulēʻia Bay Marine Life Conservation District. State Senator Angus L.K. McKelvey (District 6, West Maui, Māʻalaea, Waikapū, South Maui) submitted testimony to the Board offering his full support for the Board to impose the maximum penalty under the law against Nakoa’s owners for the devastating damage caused to the reef at Honolua Bay. As the Senator for the area encompassing Honolua Bay, McKelvey testified that he is “dedicated to advocating for the protection and preservation of Hawaii's natural resources and is compelled to express his concern and assert the need for appropriate consequences for such actions.” According to McKelvey, various sources have provided detailed accounts of the incident, documenting the severity of the damage inflicted upon the reef ecosystem at Honolua Bay, and that “the reef, a vital habitat for numerous marine species and a popular destination for divers and snorkelers, has suffered irreparable harm due to the actions of the Nakoa's owners.” In his testimony to the Board, McKelvey stressed that “aquatic life has been disrupted, fragile coral formations have been decimated, and the ecological balance of the reef has been severely compromised. Furthermore, the destruction of this natural treasure has had a significant impact on the local community, which relies on cultural and recreational activities centered around Honolua Bay.” “It is crucial to recognize that the imposition of the maximum penalty allowed by law for such offenses serves as an essential deterrent to prevent future incidents and protect Hawaii's natural assets,” said Senator McKelvey. “The severity of this incident warrants a strong response from the Board, demonstrating our commitment to safeguarding our coastal ecosystem and sending a clear message that such actions will not be tolerated. ” “I firmly believe that the owners of the vessel Nakoa must be held accountable for their actions and be subjected to the fullest extent of the law,” Senator McKelvey emphasized. “I stand with the community and urge the Board to take all necessary measures to ensure that justice is served and the maximum penalty is imposed in this case.”


    On January 24, members of the bipartisan Hawaiʻi Women's Legislative Caucus (WLC) led a panel discussion in collaboration with the YWCA of Oʻahu to present their 2024 legislative package as part of their continuous work to improve the lives of Hawaiʻi's women, children, and families. "The Women's Legislative Caucus' efforts continue to be centered on supporting women and girls in our State," said Representative Linda Ichiyama. "This includes growing our childcare workforce, ensuring the protection of women in the legal system, and safeguarding access to reproductive health care. I am grateful to our partners in the community who have helped pave the way and shine a light on the issues our caucus will focus on in this session." The package includes the following five bills and two resolutions: SB2603/HB1964: Relating to Early Child Care - Requires the Department of Human Services to establish and implement a child care provider subsidy and bonus program to provide subsidies to retain the existing child care workforce in licensed infant and toddler child care centers and group child care centers and bonuses to registered family care homes. SB2604/HB1965: Relating to Abusive Litigation - Establishes a court's authority to issue an order restricting abusive litigation. Perpetrators sometimes abuse the court system to further harass and control their victim. This bill would allow the court to limit abusive litigation. SB2605/HB1966: Relating to Health Care -  Requires health insurers, mutual benefit societies, and health maintenance organizations to provide health insurance coverage for various sexual and reproductive health care services. SB2602/HB1967: Relating to the Human Trafficking Victim Services Fund - Changes the administration of the human trafficking victim services fund from the Department of Labor and Industrial Relations to the Department of the Attorney General. SB2601/HB1968: Relating to Sexual Abuse of Minors - Expands the time period by which a civil action for childhood sexual abuse may be initiated. Authorizes a court to require personnel of legal entities to undergo training on trauma-informed response. HCR5/HR1: Urging retail stores and pharmacies doing business in the state to adopt a policy on a national and local level guaranteeing an individual's unhindered access to all United States Food and Drug Administration-Approved contraceptives. HCR6: Urging the members of Hawaiʻi's congressional delegation to monitor the Alliance for Hippocratic Medicine v. U.S. Food and Drug Administration and take action to limit the case from further restricting access to safe abortion options. "As a co-convener for the Women’s Legislative Caucus, I truly appreciate the bipartisan approach of our members to many crucial issues facing our state," said Representative Lauren Matsumoto. "Our 2024 bill package addresses a wide range of issues from combating human trafficking to improvements in child care, which are critical for the future wellbeing of our state." This year, WLC dedicates its legislative package to Nanci Kreidman, the former Chief Executive Officer of the Domestic Violence Action Center. Kreidman, who co-founded the organization 33 years ago, retired in 2023. “The Women’s Legislative Caucus exists to give a voice specifically to women and children,” said Senate Vice President Michelle Kidani. “Issues like childcare, abuse, human trafficking, and healthcare access remain ever relevant and at the forefront of our work in the Legislature. I’d like to express my gratitude to community leaders like Nanci who have made incredible strides in advocating for others.” “Nanci has been an extraordinary example for all of us and personifies what is means to be a woman helping and supporting women.  She is passionate, thoughtful, and always engages with the highest intentions towards peace,” said Senator Lynn DeCoite. “We have all benefited from her work developing and growing Domestic Violence Action Center over the past 34 years and are truly thankful for all of the work she has done for women, children, and families across our state. The Hawaiʻi Women’s Legislative Caucus co-conveners for 2024 are Senators Michelle Kidani (D-18, Mililani Town, portion of Waipi‘o Gentry, Crestview, Waikele, portion of Waipahu, Village Park, Royal Kunia) and Lynn DeCoite (D-7, Hāna, East and Upcountry Maui, Moloka‘i, Lāna‘i, Kaho‘olawe and Molokini), and Representatives Linda Ichiyama (D-31, Salt Lake, Āliamanu, Makalapa, Pearl Harbor) and Lauren Matsumoto (D-38, Portions of Mililani and Waipio Acres, Mililani Mauka). In the Hawaiʻi State Legislature, there are 21 women Representatives among the 51 members, and 8 women Senators among the 25 members. See the entire 2024 Women's Legislative Caucus Package here.


    Hilo, Hawaiʻi – Senator Lorraine R. Inouye (District 1 – Hilo, Paukaʻa, Papaikou, Pepeʻekeo) issued the following statement thanking Governor Josh Green for releasing $3,200,000 in capital improvement project funds for design and construction for improvements at Wailoa Small Boat Harbor in Hilo: “I’d like to thank Governor Green for releasing funds for the design and construction for improvements at Wailoa Small Boat Harbor,” said Senator Inouye. “The Wailoa Small Boat Harbor has been in desperate need of repair, especially in recent years. I am delighted that repairs will be completed for the bulkhead fender and the boat ramp loading dock, as well as dredging for the Wailoa Small Boat Harbor. These repairs will improve the general use of the harbor for all users, including boaters, fishers, and recreational users. The Wailoa Small Boat Harbor is critically important to the Hilo community.”


    On November 6, 2023, Senate Majority Leader Dru Mamo Kanuha (District 3 - Kona, Kaʻū, and Volcano) hosted a Senate Majority Retreat to identify and discuss legislative priorities that aim to improve the quality of life for all residents in Hawai‘i. With the Thirty-Second Legislature set to convene on Wednesday, January 17, 2024, the Hawaiʻi Senate Majority is focused on addressing a range of issues in the upcoming Legislative Session, with a key focus on supporting ongoing disaster recovery efforts following the devastating Maui wildfires. The following priorities will be the primary areas of focus for the Senate Majority during the 2024 Legislative Session: Emergency Preparedness, Recovery, and Resiliency In response to the Maui wildfires and other recent disasters, the Senate is committed to improving the State’s emergency preparedness, recovery, and resilience by ensuring departments and agencies have access to education and resources, including personnel necessary to prepare for and mitigate damage; supporting ongoing Lahaina relief efforts, including examining insurance delivery, increasing insurance premiums, and fire sprinkler requirements; developing a statewide wildfire mitigation plan and fire risk assessment; funding the Division of Forestry and Wildlife; establishing programs to better prepare the electrical grid and other critical infrastructure for emergencies; revisiting the authority of the Commission on Water Resource Management; forming a fire risk task force; and seeking permanent funding for the Hawaiʻi Wildfire Management Organization. Other areas of interest include establishing a local community land trust in West Maui, with a structure to provide control to the community; re-establishing a Chief Fire Marshall; supporting disaster-impacted artists; and exploring captive insurance for the State. Workforce Development and Education The Senate is committed to addressing challenges with and enhancing workforce development in the State. In 2024, the Senate intends to conduct a comprehensive review of minimum qualifications and equivalencies to fill vacant State positions; pursue workforce development targeting growth in blue collar jobs such as commercial driver license (CDL) drivers and alternative energy jobs; review career and technical education pathways; and support workforce pipeline certification programs with shortages, especially for Neighbor Islands and other underserved areas of the State. The Senate recognizes that our healthcare industry in particular requires additional workforce development, and the Senate is committed to increasing the support for the State's long-term care workforce; growing the State's medical and nursing staff workforce; and investigating what barriers prevent recruitment of out-of-state healthcare professionals. Further, the Senate is committed to expanding education and our education workforce. During this session, the Senate will work to expand access to quality early childhood education; create incentives for attracting qualified teachers, including teacher housing; and improve the University of Hawaiʻi system with a focus on student needs. Economic Development and Infrastructure The Senate remains committed to diversifying and expanding Hawai‘i’s economy, as well as improving infrastructure throughout the State. In 2024, the Senate will focus on utilizing private-public partnerships and off-balance sheet financing proposed by the Department of Budget and Finance to identify alternative revenue streams for programs and projects; increasing investments in repairs of State facilities on each island; exploring renting out vacant State-owned facilities to generate revenue; investing in emerging industries to diversify the economy, such as film and technology; improving access to potable water; improving transit-oriented development infrastructure; improving and maintaining aging school structures; expanding alternative energy infrastructure through the installation of electric vehicle charging stations and the wheeling of electricity;  exploring energy alternatives for self-sufficiency; funding new jail, prisoner, and reentry programs; and legalizing adult-use recreational cannabis. Agriculture, Environment, and Natural Resource Management Fostering sustainability and reliability in food production are a significant area of focus of the Senate. The Senate is committed to restoring and preserving local agriculture for State residents by exploring sustainable foods; restoring healthy soils; establishing food security efforts; mitigating the effects of and eradicating invasive species; and improving the Agribusiness Development Corporation. The Senate also remains committed to protecting Hawaiʻi’s unique environment and resources. The Senate’s priorities in protecting the natural environment include investing in biosecurity; exploring the feasibility of visitor impact fees and carbon taxes; supporting carbon capture initiatives; continuing to support the environmental protection of State Parks; relocating government infrastructure away from shorelines; and expanding the ways in which the State Parks Special Fund can be used. Housing and Homelessness The Senate is committed to increasing access to housing for local residents. Efforts to support housing include pursuing two additional 10,000-unit RFQs from the Hawaiʻi Housing Finance and Development Corporation and Hawaiʻi Community Development Authority; expanding housing into business and industrial zones;  increasing access to affordable housing with income-blind housing and a reform of private developer subsidies; continuing to support permanent housing for homeless individuals; revisiting the landlord-tenant code; investing in housing infrastructure and broadening housing financing options; implementing property insurance requirements and exemptions; and supporting existing and innovative homeless outreach and intervention. "The Senate's legislative priority areas for 2024 reflect the issues and concerns that were brought forth by the twenty-two members of our Majority Caucus present during our convening in early November, and in conversations with the newly-appointed Senator Troy N. Hashimoto," said Senate Majority Leader Kanuha.  "The Senate Majority is confident that, through hard-work and collaboration with our colleagues in the Senate Minority and House of Representatives, we will make significant progress on these important issues and provide much-needed assistance to our Maui Nui ʻohana as we navigate this recovery process together."


    On Thursday, January 11, 2024, Senator Mike Gabbard, Chair of the Senate Committee on Agriculture and Environment, and Representative Nicole Lowe, Chair of the House Committee on Energy and Environmental Protection, will hold a joint Informational Briefing at the State Capitol about the immediacy and magnitude of the threat that climate change poses to Hawaiʻi. The ten hottest years globally in recorded history all occurred in the past ten years, with last year being the hottest yet. Climate change results in more extreme weather events, such as droughts, storms and flooding. This was graphically illustrated in Lahaina as 60-mile per hour winds and grasses dried by drought fueled wildfires that tragically claimed at least one hundred lives and destroyed more than two-thousand structures. “Climate change has been misunderstood, downplayed, or even denied by many people -- and denial does not make a problem go away, it just forestalls any action and makes the problem worse,” said Senator Gabbard. “To address a problem, we must first recognize that the problem exists and then understand its scope, scale and timing. Therefore, the purpose of this Informational Briefing is to bring public attention to the immediacy and magnitude of climate change. We need everyone’s help to do the long, hard work of countering climate change as much as we can, mitigating it where we can and adapting to it as well as we can.” "Despite many years of warnings from scientists nationwide, the climate is still on track to reach nearly 3C degrees of warming, a milestone that has been called 'the point of no return,'” said Representative Lowen. “Even with years of global climate action, the anticipated level of warming continues to rise, as do local impacts like increased temperatures, natural disasters, droughts, and coral bleaching. It is imperative for legislators and the public alike to fully understand the scope of the climate crisis and its impacts, and I hope that this Briefing will further those efforts." The Briefing will take place on Thursday at 1:00pm, in conference room 325 at the State Capitol, and will include presentations from the State Climatologist, the Interim Dean of the University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa’s School of Ocean and Earth Science and Technology, the Pacific Regional Integrated Sciences and Assessments Program, the Hawaiʻi Emergency Management Agency, the Hawaiʻi Department of Transportation, the Honolulu Board of Water Supply, the State Climate Change Commission, retired Hawaiʻi Supreme Court Justice Michael Wilson, and the Climate Future Forum The Briefing Notice can be found here.


    Today, Senator Angus McKelvey (District 6, West Maui, Mā‘alaea, Waikapū, South Maui) issued the following statement responding to Governor Green and Mayor Bissen’s interim housing plan for Maui wildfire survivors: “Nearly five months after the wildfire, I joined the Senate Ways and Means Committee on a site visit to the burn zone yesterday. I aimed to help them grasp the devastation firsthand. However, the predominant feelings were heartbreak for my community and an urgent need for action. I felt disappointed upon learning about the State and County administrations' unexpected joint announcement regarding their interim housing plan. Essentially, the plan will not only continue to exacerbate the rental market's hyperinflation but also displace West Maui families by relocating them to long-term accommodations at Maui Lani, severing their community ties. Many residents, including those with children in school, work on the West side. Forcing them to relocate, even temporarily—which history shows could mean years—to Maui Lani for housing is illogical when viable options exist in West Maui. Typically, it takes an hour to travel from Maui Lani to the West side on a Monday morning. Now, add trucks hauling debris and increased tourist traffic, and daily standstills become inevitable. How can this be a sensible plan? The proposed “alternative” for families to remain in West Maui exacerbates inflation by paying day rates for short-term rentals. This could leave survivors struggling to cover the rent gap if government support falls short. Moreover, by paying landlords high rates akin to FEMA levels, this program sets inflated rates as the new norm across Maui. As a result, residents are facing non-renewed leases and skyrocketing prices. Calls for decisive action against those exploiting the situation have yielded only policies that further inflate rental prices. The emergency proclamation should have addressed rampant rental price gouging, for both residential and commercial properties. It should have curbed the entire rental market's hyperinflation until we've adequately housed all displaced West Maui residents. The legislative session starting on January 17 offers a chance for community input. Our government, founded on checks and balances, has so far failed to adequately represent survivors, overshadowed by decrees from other parts of Maui, the state, and the country. Every community deserves to stay close to its roots during crises. Just as Manoa residents would find forced relocation to Wahiawa shocking, so do the people of Lahaina. We must prioritize preserving Lahaina's community on the West Side in our interim solutions.”


    Hilo, Hawaiʻi – Today, Senator Lorraine Inouye (Senate District 1, Hilo, Paukaʻa, Papaikou, Pepeʻekeo) issued the following statement thanking Governor Josh Green for recently releasing $450,000 in capital improvement project funds to finance the construction and equipment for the replacement of two medical vacuum systems at Hilo Medical Center: “I’d like to thank Governor Green for releasing funding to finance the replacement of the medical vacuum systems at Hilo Medical Center,” said Senator Inouye. “Medical vacuum systems provide suction for various medical applications and is a critical component in medical environments where the removal of fluids or other substances is necessary during surgical procedures, patient care, and other medical interventions. The new medical vacuum systems at Hilo Medical Center will play crucial roles in various medical applications, ranging from surgical procedures and wound care to respiratory support and obstetrics. As our communities age, it is imperative that we have reliable quality hospitals such as Hilo Medical Center.”


    Honolulu, Hawaiʻi – The Hawaiʻi State Legislature today announced that the Grants-In-Aid (GIA) process for the 2024 Legislative Session is now open, and interested parties are asked to submit their applications to the Legislature. "Our community organizations and non-profits provide invaluable services and support to our communities across the state. We look forward to assessing the needs of our state in a comprehensive manner and finding the best ways to utilize our state resources," said Senate Committee on Ways and Means Chair Donovan M. Dela Cruz. "The impact of the Lahaina wildfires has altered the course of our budget projections. Recovery efforts could affect funding allocations in other areas, requiring a cautious approach in determining the upcoming state budget. We remain dedicated to aiding eligible organizations and non-profits that are leading publicly funded programs, and a clearer picture will materialize as we work on the state budget," said House Committee on Finance Chair Kyle T. Yamashita. The Legislature will continue to accept GIA applications until Friday, January 19, 2024, at 4:30 p.m., and final determinations will be made as Council on Revenue forecasts in January and March are published and long-term plans for wildfire recovery efforts unfold. The Legislature makes appropriations for GIA in accordance with Chapter 42F of the Hawaiʻi Revised Statutes (HRS). The Eligibility Verification stage requires the submission of documentation to verify that the Grantee meets the standards for a grant award under HRS §42F-103. For additional details on the GIA application process, visit


    Honolulu, Hawaiʻi –  The Hawaiʻi State Senate has scheduled twenty-four informational briefings which the Senate Ways and Means (WAM) Committee will be conducting between January 2 – 16, 2024. The purpose of these briefings is to provide various State agencies with the platform to present budget requests to members of the WAM committee prior to the start of the 2024 Legislative Session. “These briefings provide an opportunity for committees to hear the State’s budgetary needs and introduce them during the upcoming legislative session,” said Senator Donovan M. Dela Cruz, Chair of WAM (Senate District 17, portion of Mililani, Mililani Mauka, portion of Waipiʻo Acres, Launani Valley, Wahiawā, Whitmore Village). “They allow our Senate members to engage with various departments and counties on budget proposals to be submitted to the Legislature for consideration.” A full schedule of the informational briefings can be viewed here: All informational briefings can be viewed live here: For more information, please contact the WAM Committee Clerk at (808) 586-6800. No public testimony will be accepted.


    December 26, 2023 Honolulu, Hawaiʻi –  Today, the Hawaiʻi State Senate announced its finalized leadership and committee assignments ahead of the 32nd Legislature to continue on January 17, 2023. Leadership and committee assignments of the 15 standing committees are as follows: Leadership: President: Ronald D. Kouchi Vice President: Michelle N. Kidani Majority Leader: Dru Mamo Kanuha Majority Floor Leader: Glenn Wakai Assistant Majority Floor Leader: Lynn DeCoite Majority Policy Leader: Les Ihara, Jr. Majority Whip: Lorraine R. Inouye Assistant Majority Whip: Henry J.C. Aquino Assistant Majority Whip: Troy N. Hashimoto Assistant Majority Whip: Jarrett Keohokalole Assistant Majority Whip: Chris Lee Assistant Majority Whip: Herbert M. “Tim” Richards, III Committee Assignments: Agriculture and Environment (AEN) Gabbard, Mike (Chair) Richards, III, Herbert M. "Tim" (Vice Chair) DeCoite, Lynn Rhoads, Karl Awa, Brenton Commerce and Consumer Protection (CPN) Keohokalole, Jarrett (Chair) Fukunaga, Carol (Vice Chair) McKelvey, Angus L.K. Richards, III, Herbert M. "Tim" Awa, Brenton Education (EDU) Kidani, Michelle N. (Chair) Kim, Donna Mercado (Vice Chair) Kanuha, Dru Mamo Richards, III, Herbert M. "Tim" Fevella, Kurt Energy, Economic Development, and Tourism (EET) DeCoite, Lynn (Chair) Wakai, Glenn (Vice Chair) Fukunaga, Carol Kim, Donna Mercado Fevella, Kurt Government Operations (GVO) McKelvey, Angus L.K. (Chair) Gabbard, Mike (Vice Chair) San Buenaventura, Joy A. Wakai, Glenn Awa, Brenton Hawaiian Affairs (HWN) Shimabukuro, Maile S.L. (Chair) Fevella, Kurt (Vice Chair) Ihara, Jr., Les Keohokalole, Jarrett Richards, III, Herbert M. "Tim" Health and Human Services (HHS) San Buenaventura, Joy A. (Chair) Aquino, Henry J.C. (Vice Chair) Keohokalole, Jarrett Shimabukuro, Maile S.L. Awa, Brenton Higher Education (HRE) Kim, Donna Mercado (Chair) Kidani, Michelle N. (Vice Chair) Fukunaga, Carol Hashimoto, Troy N. Fevella, Kurt Housing (HOU) Chang, Stanley (Chair) Hashimoto, Troy N. (Vice Chair) Aquino, Henry J.C. Kanuha, Dru Mamo Awa, Brenton Judiciary (JDC) Rhoads, Karl (Chair) Gabbard, Mike (Vice Chair) Elefante, Brandon J.C. San Buenaventura, Joy A. Awa, Brenton Labor and Technology (LBT) Aquino, Henry J.C. (Chair) Moriwaki, Sharon Y. (Vice Chair) Ihara, Jr., Les Lee, Chris Fevella, Kurt Public Safety, Intergovernmental, and Military Affairs (PSM) Wakai, Glenn (Chair) Elefante, Brandon J.C. (Vice Chair) Fukunaga, Carol McKelvey, Angus L.K. Awa, Brenton Transportation and Culture & Arts (TCA) Lee, Chris (Chair) Inouye, Lorraine R. (Vice Chair) Elefante, Brandon J.C. Hashimoto, Troy N. Awa, Brenton Water and Land (WTL) Inouye, Lorraine R. (Chair) Elefante, Brandon J.C. (Vice Chair) Chang, Stanley Rhoads, Karl Fevella, Kurt Ways and Means (WAM) Dela Cruz, Donovan M. (Chair) Moriwaki, Sharon Y. (Vice Chair) Aquino, Henry J.C. DeCoite, Lynn Hashimoto, Troy N. Inouye, Lorraine R. Kanuha, Dru Mamo Kidani, Michelle N. Kim, Donna Mercado Lee, Chris Shimabukuro, Maile S.L. Wakai, Glenn Fevella, Kurt


    Honolulu, Hawaiʻi – Water and Land Senate Committee Chair Lorraine R. Inouye (Senate District 1, Hilo, Paukaʻa, Papaikou, Pepeʻekeo) issued a statement today regarding the announcement of Kaleo Manuel’s Departure from The Commission on Water Resource Management (CWRM), effective January 5, 2024. “I want to express my sincere appreciation for the dedicated service of Kaleo Manuel during his tenure as the Commission on Water Resources First Deputy,” said Senator Inouye. “Kaleo Manuel has had an outstanding track record as the CWRM First Deputy, and he will be truly missed. He was always fair and balanced in his approach to making water conservation decisions. As the CWRM First Deputy, he always kept the ‘Āina, and the water rights of the people of Hawaii front of mind when doing his job. His departure is  a loss for the State, as he leaves behind an outstanding track record that reflects his unwavering commitment to the people of Hawaiʻi. As the CWRM First Deputy, he exhibited a rare combination of expertise and compassion, ensuring that the delicate balance between the needs of our communities and the preservation of the ‘Āina was maintained. One of Kaleo's remarkable qualities was his constant consideration for the water rights of the people of Hawaiʻi. He understood the vital role that water plays in our daily lives and the broader implications for our environment. Whether addressing issues of allocation, sustainability, or infrastructure, Kaleo always kept the 'Āina and the well-being of our communities at the forefront of his decision-making. Among his many accomplishments, Kaleo Manuel successfully guided DLNR and the Commission on Water Resources through the Red Hill crisis, and in 2022 he implemented the Lahaina Aquifer Sector Area as both a Surface and Ground Water Management Area, which has been widely supported by the West Maui community. In 2019, he was also instrumental in reorganizing the commission to what it is today. I am grateful for Kaleo’s service and the dedication he brought to his role. While saddened by the departure of Kaleo Manuel as the CWRM First Deputy, I want to extend my best wishes to him on his future endeavors and hope that his passion for responsible water management will continue to inspire positive change in our community.”

  • Hawaiʻi State Legislature Announces 2024 Legislative Timetable

    December 21, 2023 Honolulu, Hawaiʻi – Senate President Ronald D. Kouchi and House Speaker Scott K. Saiki today released the calendar for the 2024 Legislative Session which will convene on Wednesday, January 17, 2024. See the PDFs of the 2024 Legislative Timetable and Senate Internal Timetable below:

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