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    HAWAII LEGISLATIVE WOMEN'S CAUCUS TO PRESENT 2018 LEGISLATIVE PACKAGE WHO: Hawaii Women's Legislative Caucus WHAT: Hawaii Legislative Women's Caucus press conference to announce 2018 package WHEN: Wednesday, January 24 7:30-9 a.m. (Press conference to follow YWCA Legislative Breakfast & Panel Discussion by WLC Members) WHERE: Elizabeth Fuller Hall, YWCA Laniakea 1040 Richards Street; Honolulu In partnership with the Hawaii State Commission on the Status of Women, Organization of Women Leaders, and YWCA Oahu, members of the 2018 Hawaii Legislative Women's Caucus will participate in its annual breakfast and press conference to present their priority package of bills introduced this session. Every year bills proposed by Caucus members and women's advocacy groups are considered by Caucus members. Those bills that receive the greatest support are selected for inclusion in the package. This year's initiatives cover a broad spectrum of issues from ensuring access to quality healthcare, reducing violence against women, increasing economic opportunities for women in our state, protecting children, and ensuring equal opportunity for women. WLC Co-Convenors: Representative Della Au Belatti Representative Lauren K. Matsumoto Senator Rosalyn H. Baker Senator Laura H. Thielen House Members: Representative Lynn DeCoite, Representative Cindy Evans, Representative Beth Fukumoto, Representative Sharon E. Har, Representative Linda Ichiyama, Representative Lei Learmont, Representative Nicole E. Lowen, Representative Sylvia J. Luke, Representative Dee Morikawa, Representative Nadine K. Nakamura, Representative Joy A. San Buenaventura, Representative Cynthia Thielen, Representative Andria P.L.Tupola Senate Members: Senator Lorraine R. Inouye, Senator Michelle N. Kidani, Senator Donna Mercado Kim, Senator Maile S.L. Shimabukuro, Senator Jill N. Tokuda Click below to view the bills included in the package. ### #laurathielen #rosalynbaker #rozbaker #hawaiisenate #hawaiilegislativewomenscaucus #lorraineinouye #michellekidani #donnamercadokim #maileshimabukuro #jilltokuda


    WHO: Sen. Mike Gabbard, Sen. Karl Rhoads, Rep. Chris Lee, Rep. Richard Creagan, a and Rep. Ryan Yamane WHAT: Informational Briefing on Hawai‘i's Interagency Biosecurity Plan WHEN: Wednesday, January 24, 2018 10:00 a.m. WHERE: Conference Room 325 Hawai‘i State Capitol State Senator Mike Gabbard (Dist. 20 - Kapolei, Makakilo, and portions of ‘Ewa, Kalaeloa, and Waipahu), Chair of the Senate Committee on Agriculture and Environment, will be leading a joint informational briefing on the Hawai‘i Interagency Biosecurity Plan on Wednesday, January 24, 2017 at 10 a.m. at the State Capitol, Conference Room 325. The meeting is open to the public. The Department of Agriculture Plant Quarantine Branch will bring live invasive species specimens to the informational briefing. The State of Hawai‘i released the Hawai‘i Interagency Biosecurity Plan for 2017-2027 on January 10, 2017. This Plan is the state's first interagency, coordinated comprehensive plan to tackle the threats and harms from invasive species. Senator Gabbard said, "As Agriculture and Environment Committee Chair, I'm introducing several pieces of legislation this session that support recommendations of the Plan, including bills to develop the Invasive Species Authority, fund plans for a biocontrol containment facility, establish an agriculture import substitution grant program and local agriculture marketing campaign, create a biosecurity emergency response fund, and expand Hawai‘i Island Little Fire Ant control." Presentations will be made by: Hawai‘i Invasive Species Council Hawai‘i Department of Agriculture, Plant Quarantine Branch Hawai‘i Department of Agriculture, Plant Pest Control Branch Department of Land and Natural Resources, Division of Forestry and Wildlife Department of Land and Natural Resources, Division of Aquatic Resources Department of Health, Vector Control Branch University of Hawai‘i, Invasive Species Committees University of Hawai‘i, Hawai‘i Ant Lab More information on the briefing can be found on the hearing notice: For questions about the informational briefing, contact the Office of Senator Mike Gabbard at 808-586-6830. # # # #mikegabbard #HawaiiInteragencybiosecurityplan #agricultureenvironmental #HawaiiInvasivespeciescouncil #MikeGabbard #hawaiisenate #karlrhoads #chrislee #richardcreagan #ryanyamane


    HONOLULU, Hawai‘i – The Hawai‘i State Senate today convened the second year of the 29th Legislative Biennium Session with a renewed commitment to protect and sustain the people of Hawai‘i and its natural resources and to strengthen communities through effective legislation. Today’s opening session commenced with an invocation by Pastor Matt Higa from New Hope Kaua‘i. The National Anthem and Hawai‘i Pono‘i was performed by Ms. Nalani Brun. Among the honored guests in the Senate Chamber were members of the Fukuoka Prefectural Assembly, Governor David Ige, mayors and council members from the neighbor islands. Senate President Ronald D. Kouchi opened the session with remarks on issues where he hopes the Senate will continue to provide leadership and pass meaningful legislation. Senate President Kouchi encouraged Senators to continue to find ways to address the challenges of homelessness and follow through on the commitment to build affordable housing. With the state facing possible cuts of $12 million in federal aid, he asked Senators to remember to protect our kupuna and to ensure they are providing adequate health services for each and every resident of the state. He also encouraged Senators to continue to grow the economy to maintain funding for much needed services. “Creating opportunities for each and every child in this state to close the income gap and to be able to reach for the stars and realize their dreams,” is the reason Senate President Kouchi emphasized education as a priority for the Senate, starting with providing funding to allow better training for teachers to give students the best education available. President Kouchi called for support to expand the Promise Program, which provides tuition assistance for community college “so that financial need is not an obstacle to higher education and make college a reality for each and every student in Hawai‘i.” He also wants to see an expansion of the Early College program, which brings university instructors to local high schools. Students are able to earn college credits while in high school, giving them the confidence to pursue higher learning and helping defray the cost of college, which is “a critical stepping stone to allow our children to find that pathway to success,” said Senate President Kouchi. With the success of the Farm-to-School program that started in Kohala and is expanding to other schools, President Kouchi was encouraged to see a possible partnership between the Department of Agriculture and the Department of Education to grow the program that sources local fruits and vegetables, and most recently, locally grown beef. The Department of Education serves more than 100,000 meals a day making it essentially the largest restaurant in the state. “If we have a commitment from the largest restaurant in the State of Hawai‘i to purchase locally grown food, this is the way I see a path forward to put active production on agricultural land the state has purchased and we will be able to bring back farming and address the issue of food security.” Reflecting on the events of Saturday’s false ballistic missile threat, President Kouchi told Senators “we found out how connected we are.” Just as in the moments when there was fear and the foremost thought was expressing love and appreciation for those closest to us, he encouraged Senators “to express love and hope and always be conscious of what you say.” He also vowed to work with the administration to determine the best practices and what is needed to ensure it does not happen again and how, as legislators, they can carry out their responsibilities to guarantee that each citizen and guest of the state will be safe. Kouchi also assured the Governor that all 25 State Senators are committed to working on legislation that provide the best results for the people of Hawai‘i. The Senate has committed to continue to fortify the state’s position as a leader in sustainability and climate change mitigation by working to implement the 17 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals at the state level. The 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals is a voluntary international call for action to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure that all people enjoy peace and prosperity. The 17 Sustainable Development Goals of the 2018 Senate Legislative Program are posted on the Hawai‘i Senate Majority website “Hawai‘i was the first state in the nation to enact legislation that support the commitments and goals of the Paris climate accord,” said Sen. J. Kalani English, Senate Majority Leader. “The Sustainable Development Goals will continue the efforts of the Senate to build a more resilient state and improve the quality of life for future generations.” Photos of today’s opening session can be viewed on the Hawai‘i Senate Majority website and on Flickr The public can access information on hearings and session activities during the 2018 Legislative Session on the Hawai‘i State Legislature’s website at # # # #openingday #hawaiisenate #2018legislature

  • The Hawai'i Cattlemen's Council (January 16, 2018)

    The Hawai'i Cattlemen’s Council, Inc. (HCC) is the Statewide umbrella organization comprised of the five county level Cattlemen’s Associations. 150+ member ranchers represent over 60,000 head of beef cows; more than 75% of all the beef cows in the State. Ranchers are the stewards of over 1 Million acres of land in Hawaii, or 25% of the State’s total land mass. HCC is also unified with the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association (NCBA) as well as your county cattlemen's association. HCC’s goal is to provide every cattle producer in the state the best opportunity to be both sustainable and profitable. They also believe in grass-roots leadership where every producer’s voice is important in establishing policies and direction for our industry both locally and nationally. More photos here: #HawaiiCattlemensCouncil #hawaiisenate #michellekidani #riviere #GilRiviere #ronkouchi #willespero #donnamercadokim #GilbertKeithAgaran


    Representing the Hawai‘i State Senate, Senator Ronald Kouchi welcomed members of the Federation of Fukuoka Prefectural Assembly during a formal meeting at the State Capitol. The 15 members of the Assembly were in Hawai‘i as part of the Hawai‘i-Fukuoka sister-state relationship established in 1981. “After the missile scare this past weekend, it just underscores the importance of having strong allies and our continued striving together for peace and not war, so welcome,” said Senate President Kouchi, referring to the false ballistic missile threat alert that frightened residents statewide on January 13. Over the years, the sister-state relationship has been successful in promoting tourism and providing economic benefits for both Hawai‘i and Fukuoka. As part of their tradition, representatives from Fukuoka’s Prefectural Assembly travel annually to attend the Opening Day of the Hawai‘i State Legislature. #fukuoka #kouchi #RonaldKouchi #jkalanienglish #BrickwoodGaluteria #ronkouchi #fukuokaprefecturalassembly #senatepresident #hawaiisenate


    Members of the Hawai‘i State Senate welcomed to the State Capitol ten delegates of the Gyeonggi-do Assembly delegation from the Republic of Korea during a formal meeting in the Office of the Senate President. Gyeonggi is located in the western central region of the Korean Peninsula and is the most populous province in South Korea. The delegates are part of a 128-member assembly that serve four year terms. The Gyeonggido Assembly delegates were visiting Hawai‘i Senators the day before the Senate convenes the 2018 Legislative Session and ahead of the start of the Gyeonggido 2018 Special Session which begins in February. The friendly meeting, that included Luis Salaveria, Director of the Department of Economic Development and Tourism, was intended to be the first of many more as the Gyeonggido Assembly hopes to forge a stronger relationship with Hawai‘i to help increase tourism and business in both regions. #jkalanienglish #GilbertKeithAgaran #kaialiikahele #willespero #RonKouchi #michellekidani #BrickwoodGaluteria #GyeonggidoAssembly #southkorea #hawaiisenate #LuisSalaveria #republicofkorea


    The Hawai'i State Legislature and Olelo Community Media launched a live weekly television program from the State Capitol. The 30-minute program titled "Live at the Legislature" premiered at 8:30 a.m. today and the show will thereafter air on Mondays at 8:30 a.m. (or Tuesdays if Monday is a holiday) until the Legislature adjourns on May 3. The program will air on channel 49. For the Senate, today's featured legislators were Senate President Ron Kouchi and Senate Majority Leader J. Kalani English. "We’re always looking for ways to keep our constituents up to date on the events and issues of the Senate during the busy Legislative Session and this show will help us do just that," said Sen. J. Kalani English, Senate Majority Leader. "This is one more way we hope to encourage the public to actively participate in the legislative process and help us to make effective change and build stronger communities." Each week the program will feature segments from the House Majority, House Minority and the Senate to provide perspectives from each chamber. The live-stream of the weekly show will also be seen on OleloNet at Each show will be available at and through the Hawaii Government Public Network Channel 50. The House will post links on our Facebook page at . For more information, visit #Jillkuramoto #ronkouchi #jkalanienglish #liveatthelegislature #olelo #hawaiistate #hawaiisenate


    The following is a statement by Senator J. Kalani English (Dist. 7- Hana, East and Upcountry Maui, Moloka‘i, Lana‘i, Kaho‘olawe), Senate Majority Leader, on today’s false ballistic threat alarm: “The events surrounding this morning’s false alarm regarding a “ballistic missile threat to Hawaiʻi” is both unfortunate and very unacceptable. The Hawaiʻi Emergency Management Agency (Civil Defense) and the United States Pacific Command Center have confirmed that there is no threat to our islands. I am outraged that a mistake of this magnitude occurred. The initial alert was sent out via Civil Defense at 8:15 a.m. HST and it took the Hawaiʻi Emergency Management Agency over 38 minutes to clarify that the “alarm” was inadvertent and indeed a mistake. The panic and pandemonium that many in Hawaiʻi experienced was unwarranted and completely unnecessary. I will be working with my colleagues in the Legislature to investigate into this matter and to provide the proper oversight to ensure that our state emergency alert system is properly functioning. We need to ensure that this never happens again and I am committed to doing so.” # # # #ballisticthreat #ballistialarm #hawaiiEMA #hawaiisenate #jkalanienglish #SenatorEnglish


    WHO: Senate Committee on Commerce, Consumer Protection, and Health House Committee on Health and Human Services WHAT: Informational briefing WHEN: Tuesday, January 16, 2018 1:00 p.m. WHERE: Conference Room 229 State Capitol Senator Rosalyn Baker, Chair of the Senate Committee on Commerce, Consumer Protection, and Health and Rep. John Mizuno, Chair of the House Committee on Health and Human Services, are holding an informational briefing on Tuesday, January 16, 2018 at 1:00 p.m. in Conference Room 229 to be appraised on the status of the emergency medical services system statewide and to review the current policies on EMS. Dr. Virginia Pressler, Director of the State Department of Health (DOH), along with representatives from the EMS branch of the DOH will provide an overview of the EMS system. County emergency medical services and private emergency medical ambulance services will also present data on first-responder support. To view the informational briefing notice: For further information or if you require auxiliary aids or services to participate in the informational briefing (i.e. ASL or foreign language interpreter, or wheelchair accessibility), please contact the Office of Sen. Baker at 586-6070 to make arrangements. # # # #rosalynbaker #rozbaker #hawaiisenate #virginiapressler #DepartmentofHealth #DOH


    WHO: Sen. Karl Rhoads, Rep. Matt LoPresti, members of the Keiki Caucus and Hawai‘i Children's Action Network WHAT: News conference to share the legislative package of priority measures addressing the health and welfare of Hawai‘i’s children WHEN: Tuesday, January 16, 2018 11:00 a.m. WHERE: Conference room 229 Hawai‘i State Capitol Sen. Karl Rhoads and Rep. Matt LoPresti, co-conveners of the Keiki Caucus, will be presenting the 2018 Legislative Package and Deborah Zysman, Executive Director of the Hawai‘i Children's Action Network, will present the Hawai‘i Children’s Policy Agenda. The proposed measures are the result of community collaboration with legislators to address the health and well-being of young people in Hawai‘i. The joint news conference represents shared priorities of the Caucus and the non-profit organization Hawai‘i Children’s Action Network which advocates for policies aimed at improving the lives of Hawai‘i’s youth. Some of the proposed bills and resolutions include financial support for a transitional housing program for homeless youth, prohibiting the sale of tobacco products within 750 feet of a school, public park, or public housing complex, establishing a pilot Visitation Center program for children of incarcerated parents, and requesting the Department of Education to convene a working group to review afterschool programs in Hawai‘i. The Keiki Caucus is a bipartisan group of House and Senate members joined by more than 100 community advocates from various non-profits, educators, businesses and parent groups. Established in 1994, the Keiki Caucus has been actively working to develop proposals and initiatives that improve the well-being of Hawai‘i youth. ### #hawaiisenate #keitkicaucus #karlrhoads #hawaiichildrensactionnetwork #deborahzysman #mattlopresti

  • 2018 Senate Legislative Program

    We, the Hawai'i State Senate are dedicated to the protection and sustainability of our people, communities, natural resources, and economic prosperity. By enacting the 17 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals into state law, we can achieve this. Implementation of these goals at the state level through the Aloha+ Challenge, a local sustainability framework, will significantly improve the quality of life for future generations. Hawai'i is recognized as a global leader in addressing sustainability and climate change challenges, building on a history of systems-thinking and traditional knowledge. These 17 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals will reinforce the efforts of the Senate to build a more resilient future for Hawai'i. It is the Hawai‘i State Senate’s sincere hope that we can work collaboratively with the House of Representatives, the Governor, and the Judiciary to achieve all the goals outlined in this Program. The legislation that the Hawai’i Senate enacts to attain the 17 Sustainable Development Goals will enable Hawai’i to join local, national and global partnerships. The Hawai'i State Senate will focus on a local platform to implement the 17 Sustainable Development Goals during the 2018 Legislative Session. The Hawai'i State Senate will focus on a local platform to implement the 17 Sustainable Development Goals during the 2018 Legislative Session We will ensure that all men and women, in particular the poor and vulnerable, have equal rights to economic resources by implementing and enacting appropriate measures and social protection systems. We will eliminate hunger by doubling food production, increase food security, ensure sustainable food production systems and implement resilient agricultural practices. We will guarantee good health and well-being by ensuring access to quality health care, end epidemics of communicable diseases, and support indigenous health programs. We will achieve quality education by guaranteeing that all children have access to equitable and quality preschool, primary, secondary and higher education as well as quality technical and vocational training. We will provide gender equality and empower women and girls by promoting policies that end all forms of discrimination and harmful practices to ensure full participation and leadership opportunities. We will ensure availability and access to safe drinking water, adequate and equitable sanitation for all through cooperation with the counties and local communities. We are committed to affordable, reliable, and modern energy production, achieving clean energy from renewable sources and encouraging statewide collaboration to facilitate these goals. We will promote sustainable economic growth; encourage diversification, technological upgrading and innovation, improving state resource efficiency, protection of labor rights, and the promotion of sustainable jobs. We will develop quality, reliable, and resilient infrastructure to support economic development, promote sustainable industrialization, encourage research and innovation, and increase access to communications technology. We will achieve economic growth by empowering and promoting the inclusion of all, irrespective of age, sex, sexual orientation, disability, race, ethnicity, origin, religion or economic status by eliminating discriminatory laws, policies and practices. We will explore options that will provide access to adequate, safe and affordable housing, and increase livability and resilience through implementation of smart sustainable communities. We will work diligently to achieve sustainable management, efficient use of natural resources, promote sound management of all wastes, enact methods for companies to adopt sustainable practices and provide people with relevant information for sustainable lifestyles. We will continue our commitment to strengthen our resilience and adaptive capacity to climate-related hazards and natural disasters in alignment with the Paris Climate Agreement. We will take action to sustainably manage and protect our marine and coastal ecosystems by supporting policies that aim to reduce pollution and enhance ocean-related management. We will protect life on land, work to ensure the conservation, restoration and sustainable use of our 'āina and natural resources by integrating ecosystem and biodiversity values into local and state planning. We are dedicated to the promotion of peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, providing access to justice for all, and building effective, accountable institutions at all levels. We encourage partnerships between government, the private sector and civil society to enhance statewide economic prosperity, policy coherence for sustainable development and mobilization through collaboration on Aloha+Challenge, a statewide commitment to sustainability. Click the Senate Seal to download a PDF copy. #hawaiisenate #jkalanienglish #legislativeprogram2018


    HONOLULU, Hawai‘i – Students at Honoka‘a High and Intermediate School will see significant improvements on their campus with $3 million in Capital Improvement Project (CIP) funding recently released by Governor David Ige. $1.5 million has been allocated to provide covered walkways that will connect various buildings at Honoka‘a High and Intermediate School. This project will also improve cross-campus mobility while improving sidewalk ADA ramps and access. Another $1.5 million will finance the design and construction of new restroom facilities at the school’s auditorium. Senator Lorriane Inouye (Dist. 4 - Hilo, Hamakua, Kohala, Waimea, Waikoloa, Kona) championed to secure the funds which was approved in the 2016 and 2017 Legislative Sessions. “Honoka‘a High and Intermediate is a school that carries a substantial responsibility in educating a huge number of students, so I’m thrilled that my colleagues in the Legislature and the Governor recognized the needs of the campus,” said Sen. Inouye. “I’m proud and happy students and staff at the school will soon have a healthier and safer environment to learn.” Honoka‘a High and Intermediate School was founded in 1889 and is located in the center of Honoka‘a Town on the Hamakua Coast of the Island of Hawai‘i. The Honoka‘a complex is unique in that it is the only high school in the state that is fed by a kindergarten to eighth grade public conversion charter school (Waimea Middle), a kindergarten to sixth grade elementary school (Honoka‘a Elementary) and a kindergarten to ninth grade elementary and intermediate school (Pa‘auilo Elementary & Intermediate), serving students from as far as Kawaihae through ‘Ō‘ōkala, about a 40 mile reach. # # # #lorraineinouye #Honokaahighschool #honokaaintermediate #HamakuaCoast #Honokaa

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