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  • A Great Year for Endangered Hawaiian Seabirds: 39 Chicks Fledge from Protected Nihokū Site in 2018

    (Kīlauea, Kauaʻi, Hawaiʻi) — In 2018, conservation partners again provided a new home, safe from invasive predators, for some of Hawaiʻi’s most imperiled seabirds. A total of 39 chicks, including 20 endangered uaʻu (Hawaiian Petrel) and 19 threatened ʻaʻo (Newell’s Shearwater), were moved from colonies in the mountains to the translocation site, called Nihokū, at Kīlauea Point National Wildlife Refuge. In this location, they are protected by a predator-proof fence surrounding the Nihokū restoration site. Over the course of several weeks, the chicks are fed and cared for by a dedicated team of biologists and volunteers until they fledge – finish molting into adult plumage and fly off. Over the last four years, 112 chicks have successfully fledged from the site. The chicks will spend a few years at sea before returning to the exact area where they were raised, hopefully establishing a new seabird colony at Nihokū. All of the translocated chicks were collected from colonies located in the rugged, mountainous interior of Kaua‘i, where the birds are under threat from introduced predators, including feral cats, rats, and pigs, as well as loss of breeding habitat. These dangers, coupled with collisions with power lines and attraction to artificial lights, have dramatically reduced populations of the uaʻu and ʻaʻo on Kauaʻi. The effort to create a new, fully protected colony of these birds at Nihokū is part of a larger effort to protect the two species and help their populations recover. The 7.8-acre translocation site is protected within a predator-proof fence. Made with very small, woven, stainless steel mesh, buried three feet underground, and with an upper hood that prevents the incursion of predators, this is one of the best tools available for conservation of seabird colonies. Such fences now are more frequently used as a hedge against introduced predators plaguing native birds, plants, and even small endangered tree snails in Hawaiʻi. The project has not been without its challenges. This year a record-breaking rain event in mid-April swept across the island, flooding the nearby Hanalei Valley and part of the refuge. An estimated 49.6 inches of rain fell in 24 hours, nearly blowing out a drainage culvert under the protective predator-proof fence. In addition, Hurricane Lane drove in more rains in mid-August. “We experienced a difficult year with many close-calls due to unanticipated weather events, but despite these challenges, we are very pleased to have completed another successful year of this important seabird recovery project,” said Heather Tonneson, Refuge Complex Manager at the Kaua‘i National Wildlife Refuge Complex. “Quick response from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service staff and volunteers resulted in clearing the damaged culvert and preventing further damage and erosion under the fence.” Lindsay Young, executive director for Pacific Rim Conservation, who led the project to build the fence, attributes part of the success to good design: “The record rainfall this year had minimal impacts on the fence as a result of design features that allowed water to exit the fenced area.” All partners are grateful for the help of dedicated volunteers, who helped to keep debris away from the drainage culverts, keeping Nihokū predator free. Other challenges came from the birds themselves. “Each chick has its own personality, and more often than not, they are just plain feisty, which makes daily care a challenge,” says outreach coordinator for Pacific Rim Conservation Leilani Fowlke. Another potential stumbling block: traveling in and out of the rugged, mist-shrouded mountains to recover chicks for translocation and bring them to Nihokū for care until they fledge. André Raine, project lead for the Kaua‘i Endangered Seabird Recovery Project, explained: “After monitoring the chicks in all seasons, we move them during a narrow window, a few weeks before fledging. Chicks are transferred from underground nests to a special transport box, and delivered via a short helicopter ride to their new home at Nihokū. The weather is always an unpredictable factor each year, as it is often raining and misty in their mountain homes, but despite this, the translocations all went well this year!” By December 2018, all 19 Newell’s Shearwater chicks and 19 of the 20 Hawaiian Petrel chicks had fledged. “We are doing our best to give them a good start here so they are best prepared to thrive once they fly out to sea,” says Hannah Nevins, American Bird Conservancy’s seabird program director. “The healthier they are when they depart their nest to fly out to sea, the better the chances they will return to breed.” These seabirds spend their first four to five years at sea and the partners are anxiously waiting for the first translocated birds to return to the site to breed — the ultimate measure of success for the project. In spring 2019, the first cohort of petrel chicks — nine birds that fledged in 2015 — is expected to return. The partners hope that they will establish Nihokū as a breeding site and create the next generation of seabirds for this area. Additional Resources: Dropbox folder link to more photos available: See additional project information: This joint release was first issued by American Bird Conservancy #seabirds #nihoku #kauai #kauai #Kilauea #newell #Newellshearwater #Kilaueapointnationalwildliferefuge #fledge #leilanifowlke #pacificrimconservation #andreraine #americanbirdconservancy #heathertonneson #refugecomplexmanager #kauainationalwildliferefugecomplex #kauainationalrefugecomplex #hanaleivalley #hurricanelane #uau #chicks #biologists #adultplumage #hawaii


    Senators representing Maui County in the Hawaiʻi State Legislature today responded to the announcement that Mahi Pono, LLC, will purchase the former Hawaiʻi Commercial & Sugar lands from Alexander & Baldwin keeping it in use for diversified agriculture. Senator Gilbert Keith-Agaran (District 5, Wailuku, Waihe‘e, Kahului): “I am happy A&B found farmers as partners who are committed to keeping Central Maui in productive agriculture—especially because Mahi Pono appears to understand the importance of food sustainability for the long term life of our island community. I look forward to talking story with them on finding workers and their plans to put our fallow fields back into productive farming.” Senator Rosalyn Baker (District 6, South and West Maui): “The Maui community appreciates A&B’s ongoing commitment to agriculture on our island as illustrated by their willingness to find a partner who can keep these valuable lands in production. This is an important investment in our future, as it again demonstrates the viability of diversified agriculture, but also because of the value it places on our workers, our environment, and our quality of life. I look forward to seeing this and other efforts grow and help provide for many more generations of Maui residents.” Senate Majority Leader J. Kalani English (District 7, Hāna, East and Upcountry Maui, Moloka‘i, Lāna‘i and Kaho‘olawe): “I am pleased that Mahi Pono and Alexander & Baldwin have found a way to keep these lands in productive agricultural use. It is vital that we recognize these decisions as more than economic; they have a fundamental impact on the quality of life on our island and across the state. We look forward to working with Mahi Pono as good neighbors, and hope to share a long and serious commitment to Maui’s best future.” Mahi Pono is a farming venture between Pomona Farming LLC, a California group, and the Public Sector Pension Investment Board (PSP Investments). It plans to offer employment to all of A&B’s existing agricultural personnel. ### #maui #jkalanienglish #rozbaker #gilbertkeithagaran #AB #MahiPono #LLC #MauiCounty #pomonafarmingllc #publicsectorpensioninvestmentboard #PSPinvestments #AlexanderandBaldwin #hawaiilegislature #hawaiicommercialandsugar


    The Hawai‘i State Senate announces the addition of new members to committees. Please find below the most current list of committee assignments and leadership positions. Senate Leadership President: Ronald D. Kouchi Vice President: Michelle N. Kidani Majority Leader: J. Kalani English Majority Caucus Leader: Dru Mamo Kanuha Majority Policy Leader Les Ihara, Jr. Majority Floor Leader: Kaiali'i Kahele Majority Whip: Lorraine R. Inouye Assistant Majority Whip: Gilbert S.C. Keith-Agaran Assistant Majority Whip: Brian T. Taniguchi Assistant Majority Whip: Clarence K. Nishihara Minority Leader / Floor Leader: Kurt Fevella Agriculture and Environment (AEN) Chair: Gabbard, Mike Vice Chair: Ruderman, Russell E. Members: Rhoads, Karl Thielen, Laura H. Fevella, Kurt Commerce, Consumer Protection, and Health (CPH) Chair: Baker, Rosalyn H. Vice Chair: Chang, Stanley Members: Keohokalole, Jarrett Nishihara, Clarence K. Ruderman, Russell E. Thielen, Laura H. Fevella, Kurt Energy, Economic Development, and Tourism (EET) Chair: Wakai, Glenn Vice Chair: Taniguchi, Brian T. Members: Inouye, Lorraine R. Keohokalole, Jarrett Fevella, Kurt Education (EDU) Chair: Kidani, Michelle N. Vice Chair: Kim, Donna Mercado Members: Dela Cruz, Donovan M. Kanuha, Dru Mamo Fevella, Kurt Government Operations (GVO) Chair: Thielen, Laura H. Vice Chair: Inouye, Lorraine R. Members: Baker, Rosalyn H. Kanuha, Dru Mamo Fevella, Kurt Hawaiian Affairs (HWN) Chair: Shimabukuro, Maile S. Vice Chair: Kahele, Kaiali'i Members: Ihara, Jr., Les Keohokalole, Jarrett Fevella, Kurt Higher Education (HRE) Chair: Kim, Donna Mercado Vice Chair: Kidani, Michelle N. Members: Kahele, Kaiali'i Keith-Agaran, Gilbert S. C. Fevella, Kurt Housing (HOU) Chair: Chang, Stanley Vice Chair: Kanuha, Dru Mamo Members: Harimoto, Breene Moriwaki, Sharon Y. Fevella, Kurt Human Services (HMS) Chair: Ruderman, Russell E. Vice Chair: Rhoads, Karl Members: Ihara, Jr., Les Riviere, Gil Fevella, Kurt Labor, Culture and the Arts (LCA) Chair: Taniguchi, Brian Vice Chair: Ihara, Jr., Les Members: Chang, Stanley Gabbard, Mike Fevella, Kurt Judiciary (JDC) Chair: Rhoads, Karl Vice Chair: Wakai, Glenn Members: Gabbard, Mike Kim, Donna Mercado Fevella, Kurt Public Safety, Intergovernmental, and Military Affairs (PSM) Chair: Nishihara, Clarence Vice Chair: Wakai, Glenn Members: Baker, Rosalyn H. Thielen, Laura H. Fevella, Kurt Technology (TEC) Chair: Keohokalole, Jarrett Vice Chair: English, J. Kalani Members: Moriwaki, Sharon Y. Wakai, Glenn Fevella, Kurt Transportation (TRS) Chair: Inouye, Lorraine R. Vice Chair: Harimoto, Breene Members: English, J. Kalani Shimabukuro, Maile S. L. Fevella, Kurt Water and Land (WTL) Chair: Kahele, Kaiali'i Vice Chair: Keith-Agaran, Gilbert Members: Nishihara, Clarence K. Riviere, Gil Fevella, Kurt Ways and Means (WAM) Chair: Dela Cruz, Donovan M. Vice Chair: Keith-Agaran, Gilbert Members: English, J. Kalani Harimoto, Breene Inouye, Lorraine R. Kahele, Kaiali’i Kanuha, Dru Mamo Kidani, Michelle N. Moriwaki, Sharon Y. Riviere, Gil Shimabukuro, Maile S. L. Taniguchi, Brian T. Fevella, Kurt #hawaiisenate #2019legislature #RonaldDKouchi #MichelleNKidani #JKalaniEnglish #DruMamoKanuha #LesIharaJr #KaialiiKahele #LorraineRInouye #GilbertSCKeithAgaran #BrianTTaniguchi #ClarenceKNishihara #kurtfevella #mikegabbard #russellruderman #karlrhoads #laurathielen #rozbaker #stanleychang #jarrettkeohokalole #sharonmoriwaki #glennwakai #briantaniguchi #donnamercadokim #maileshimabukuro #gilbertskeithagaran #breeneharimoto #gilriviere #clarencenishihara #lorraineinouye #donovandelacruz


    The Hawaii Department of Transportation (HDOT) has scheduled the installation of 2,980 additional energy efficient solar panels on the 5th floor Terminal 2 parking garage at the Daniel K. Inouye International Airport (HNL). The work continues Governor David Ige and the State of Hawaii’s focus on using 100 percent renewable energy by 2045. The construction will begin after the holiday season on Monday, Jan. 7, 2019. Parking will be restricted during construction. To minimize the impact to the traveling public, the parking level will be reopened in phases. The Ewa side of the 5th floor is anticipated to reopen on March 1, 2019. The overall construction is scheduled to be complete by the end of March 2019. The environmentally friendly improvement will capture solar energy to be used throughout the airport and in conjunction with other conservation measures will reduce the airport’s electric bill by nearly half. The overall $207 million investment in sustainability will generate more than $600 million in guaranteed cost savings over the 20-year life of the contract at Hawaii’s airports, which began in 2014. It is the largest single state Energy Savings Performance Contract in the nation. The $207 million is financed from the guaranteed energy savings, not taxpayer funding. In total at Hawaii’s airports, HDOT and Johnson Controls Inc. are replacing nearly 98,000 light fixtures with high-efficiency light-emitting diode (LED) technology and energy efficient lighting, upgrading ventilation and air-conditioning systems and installing more than 24,000 solar photovoltaic panels. In addition, the new solar canopy will provide shaded parking for vehicles on the 5th floor of the Terminal 2 (formerly known as the Overseas Terminal) parking garage. In total, the Terminal 2 parking garage currently has nearly 1,200 parking stalls available to the public. The 5th floor level has 410 parking stalls that will be unavailable at the start of construction. Signage has been posted at the parking stalls, stairs and ticket entrances notifying motorists of the planned work. On November 16, 2018, HDOT completed the installation of 4,260 new solar panels on the 7th floor of the Terminal 1 parking garage at HNL. All of the nearly 1,800 parking stalls in the Terminal 1 garage are available for public use. The 1,800 stalls in the International parking garage are also available for public parking. For more information on the Terminal 1 parking garage solar panel project click here. Travelers who plan to park at HNL are reminded the entrance to the Terminal 2 garage is located on the second level. The temporary ground level entrance to Terminal 2 that was opened to accommodate overflow parking during the Terminal 1 construction project will close beginning Jan. 7, 2019. If the Terminal 2 garage is filled, motorists will have to exit the facility and drive around to Terminal 1 or the International garages. Travelers can access the Terminal 1 garage from level 1 and level 2. Access to the International parking garage is on level 1 and as well as from a bridge located on the sixth floor of Terminal 1. To view a map of the parking garage entrances click here. Travelers are encouraged to get dropped off at the airport or schedule another method of transportation. During the busy holiday traveling season passengers are urged to allow extra time to pass through security and arrive at the assigned gate. For an overview on parking at HNL please click here. **Parking on the 5th floor of the Terminal 2 garage closed during construction. #HDOT #hawaiidepartmentoftransportation #DanielKInouye #Honolulu #Airport #solarpanels #solarcanopy #overseasterminal #energysavingsperformancecontract #johnsoncontrols #LED #photovoltaic

  • Governor Ige unveils ‘Ohana Zone plans,  emergency proclamation for homelessness

    Gov. David Ige today announced plans to implement ‘Ohana Zones and signed a new statewide emergency proclamation designed to assist efforts to provide housing for our community’s most vulnerable members. The emergency proclamation will focus on accelerating the completion of housing projects for individuals and families exiting homelessness. It will also help to expand shelter capacity and access to services, especially for unsheltered homeless individuals. “More work remains to be done to address homelessness, and we must use every tool at our disposal,” Gov. Ige said in signing the emergency proclamation. “Homelessness is a top priority for my administration.” “‘Ohana Zones are consistent with the State’s overall framework to address homelessness and will provide housing for our most vulnerable citizens,” said Lt. Gov. Josh Green. The Ige administration is committed to using ‘Ohana Zone money to support two proven strategies: An investment in Permanent Supportive Housing, and housing-focused supportive services. ‘Ohana Zones will be implemented in partnership with the four counties and homeless service providers. On O‘ahu: The state will partner with the City & County of Honolulu to establish three separate ‘Ohana Zones that will collectively add at least 60 new units of permanent supportive housing; Catholic Charities will open the Villages of Maili, which will serve an estimated 340 people per year – 150 through permanent supportive housing, and 190 who will receive emergency shelter through a new Assessment Center program. The Villages of Maili will serve homeless individuals, couples and families; Residential Youth Services & Empowerment (RYSE) will expand the number of shelter beds available for homeless youth, ages 18-24. ‘Ohana Zone money will also allow RYSE to add on-site medical services and expand outreach services to homeless youth; ‘Ohana Zone money will support renovations at two state-owned shelters at Kalaeloa. The renovations will enable the continuation of shelter services for homeless individuals and families. In Hawai‘i County: ‘Ohana Zone funds will be used to convert 13 units at the Ulu Wini Housing Project in West Hawai‘i to permanent supportive housing, and another 10 units at the same property to an emergency shelter. The county will use the new housing and shelter beds to support chronically homeless individuals in Kona. In Kaua‘i and Maui Counties: ‘Ohana Zone money will be set aside for various projects. The Ige administration will also work with Kaua‘i Mayor Derek Kawakami and Maui Mayor-elect Mike Victorino to enhance the capacity for emergency shelters in their respective counties. Earlier this year, Act 209 appropriated $30 million to establish at least three ‘Ohana Zone sites on O‘ahu, and one each on Maui, Hawai‘i Island and Kaua‘i. The law requires that ‘Ohana Zones be placed on state and county land and must provide services to assist homeless individuals and families to access permanent housing. The emergency proclamation is for a 60-day period and is set to expire on February 12, 2019. The proclamation is posted online here. ### #ohanazone #governorige #davidige #homeless #kauai #maui #Honolulu #BigIsland #hawiaiiisland #chapter6e #CathholicCharities #VillagesofMaili #ResidentialYouthServicesEmpowerment #RYSE #Act209


    OAHU LANE CLOSURES FOR THE WEEKEND OF DEC. 14 – DEC. 16 PLEASE NOTE: Lane closure schedules may change at any time without further notice. All projects are weather permitting. — H-1 FREEWAY — 1) HONOLULU (24-HOUR WORK) 24-hour shoulder closure on the H-1 Freeway in the westbound direction between the Pali Highway overpass and the Houghtailing Street underpass on Friday, Dec. 14, through Friday, Dec. 21, for guardrail and shoulder improvements. 2) HONOLULU (24-HOUR WORK) 24-hour shoulder closure on the H-1 Freeway in the eastbound direction between the Kalihi Street overpass and the Liliha Street overpass on Friday, Dec. 14, through Friday, Dec. 21, for guardrail and shoulder improvements. 3) HONOLULU (WEEKEND WORK) Alternating lane closure on the H-1 Freeway in the eastbound direction between the Nimitz Highway offramp (Exit 15) and the Middle Street/Dillingham Boulevard offramp (Exit 18B) on Saturday, Dec. 15, from 5:30 a.m. to 1 p.m., for maintenance work. 4) HONOLULU (WEEKEND/NIGHT WORK) Two right lanes closed on the H-1 Freeway in the eastbound direction between Gulick Avenue and Liliha Street on Sunday night, Dec. 16, through Friday morning, Dec. 21, from 9 p.m. to 4 a.m., for guardrail and shoulder improvements. All westbound ramps will remain open. 5) WAIMALU (WEEKEND WORK) Shoulder closure on the H-1 Freeway in the eastbound direction between the Pearlridge/Waimalu offramp (Exit 10) and the Aiea Heights Drive overpass on Saturday, Dec. 15, from 6 a.m. to 7 p.m., for shoulder widening work. For more information, please visit the project website at — KALANIANAOLE HIGHWAY (ROUTES 61/72) — 1) AINA HAINA (WEEKEND/NIGHT WORK) Two lanes closed on Kalanianaole Highway (Route 72) in the eastbound direction between West Hind Drive and Ainakoa Avenue on Sunday night, Dec. 16, through Friday morning, Dec. 21, from 8 p.m. to 4 a.m., for manhole work. Traffic will be contraflowed in the westbound lanes. 2) AIN HAINA (WEEKEND/NIGHT WORK) Alternating one lane closure on Kalanianaole Highway (Route 72) in both directions between Ainakoa Avenue and West Hind Drive on Sunday night, Dec. 16, through Friday morning, Dec. 21, from 8:30 p.m. to 4 p.m., for striping work. 3) KAILUA (WEEKEND/NIGHT WORK) Roving right lane and shoulder closure on Kalanianaole Highway (Route 72) in both directions between Old Kalanianaole Road and Keolu Drive on Saturday, Dec. 15, from 7 p.m. to 3 a.m., for maintenance work. — NIMITZ HIGHWAY (ROUTE 92) — 1) HONOLULU (WEEKEND WORK) Left lane closure on Nimitz Highway (Route 92) in the westbound direction in the vicinity of Ahua Street on Saturday, Dec. 15, from 6 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., for electrical maintenance work. — PALI HIGHWAY (ROUTE 61) — 1) KANEOHE TO NUUANU (WEEKEND/NIGHT WORK) Closure of the Pali Highway (Route 61) in the Honolulu-bound direction between Kamehameha Highway and Waokanaka Street on Sunday night, Dec. 16, through Friday morning, Dec. 21, from 8:30 p.m. to 5 a.m., for the Pali Highway Resurfacing project. For more information, please visit the Pali Highway Resurfacing project website at 2) MAUNAWILI (WEEKEND/NIGHT WORK) Left lane closure on the Pali Highway in the Kailua-bound direction between the Pali Tunnels and Kamehameha Highway on Sunday night, Dec. 16, through Friday morning, Dec. 21, from 8:30 p.m. to 5 a.m., for the Pali Highway Resurfacing project. For more information, please visit the Pali Highway Resurfacing project website at 3) NUUANU (WEEKEND WORK) Roving right lane closure on the Pali Highway in both directions between the Pali Tunnels and Waokanaka Street on Saturday, Dec. 15, from 7 a.m. to 2:30 p.m., for maintenance work. 4) NUUANU (WEEKEND/NIGHT WORK) Up to two lanes tentatively closed on the Pali Highway (Route 61) in the Honolulu-bound direction between Waokanaka Street and Nuuanu Avenue on Sunday night, Dec. 16, through Friday morning, Dec. 21, from 7 p.m. to 5 a.m., for the Pali Highway Resurfacing project. For more information, please visit the Pali Highway Resurfacing project website at 5) NUUANU (WEEKEND/NIGHT WORK) Up to two lanes tentatively closed on the Pali Highway (Route 61) in the Kailua-bound direction between Nuuanu Avenue and Waokanaka Street on Sunday night, Dec. 16, through Friday morning, Dec. 21, for the Pali Highway Resurfacing project. One lane closed from 6:45 p.m. to 9 p.m. Two lanes closed from 9 p.m. to 5 a.m. For more information, please visit the Pali Highway Resurfacing project website at 6) NUUANU (WEEKEND/NIGHT WORK) Left lane closure on the Pali Highway in the Kailua-bound direction between Nuuanu Pali Drive and the Pali Tunnels on Sunday night, Dec. 16, through Friday morning, Dec. 21, from 8:30 p.m. to 5 a.m., for the Pali Highway Resurfacing project. For more information, please visit the Pali Highway Resurfacing project website at 7) NUUANU (WEEKEND/NIGHT WORK) Up to two lanes closed on the Pali Highway (Route 61) in the Kailua-bound direction between Waokanaka Street and Nuuanu Pali Drive on Sunday night, Dec. 16, through Friday morning, Dec. 21, from 8:30 p.m. to 5 a.m., for the Pali Highway Resurfacing project. For more information, please visit the Pali Highway Resurfacing project website at — KEAHUMOA PARKWAY — 1) KAPOLEI (24-HOUR WORK) Right lane closure on Keahumoa Parkway in both directions in the vicinity of Kualakai Parkway on Friday, Dec. 14, through Friday, Dec. 21, over a twenty-four hour period, for The Rail project. For more information, please visit the project website for The Rail at — FORT WEAVER ROAD (ROUTE 76) — 1) EWA (WEEKEND CLOSURE) Two lane closures on Fort Weaver Road (Route 76) in the northbound direction between North Road and Kuhina Street on Saturday, Dec. 15, from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m., for the Ewa Christmas Parade. Traffic will be contraflowed. — KUNIA ROAD (ROUTE 750) — 1) KUNIA TO WAHIAWA (WEEKEND/NIGHT WORK) Roving right lane and shoulder closure on Kunia Road (Route 750) in both directions between the H-1 Freeway and Wilikina Drive on Saturday, Dec. 15, from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m., for maintenance work. — KALIHI STREET (ROUTE 63) — 1) KALIHI (WEEKEND WORK) Two lane closures on Kalihi Street (Route 63) in the northbound direction between Nimitz Highway and Dillingham Boulevard on Sunday, Dec. 16, from 7 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., for paving work. Two lanes will remain open at all times. — MIDDLE STREET — 1) KALIHI (WEEKEND/NIGHT WORK) Lane closures on Middle Street in both directions between North King Street and Kamehameha Highway on Friday night, Dec. 14, through Saturday morning, Dec. 15, and on Monday night, Dec. 17, through Friday morning, Dec. 21, from 7 p.m. to 4 a.m., for the Middle Street Pavement Reconstruction project. Traffic will be contraflowed. Pedestrians are directed to use the east sidewalk as the west shared use walk and bike path is closed on a 24/7 basis. For Immediate Release: Dec. 13, 2018 18-0556 KAUAI LANE CLOSURES FOR THE WEEKEND OF DEC. 14 – DEC. 16 PLEASE NOTE: Lane closure schedules may change at any time without further notice. All projects are weather permitting. — KAUMUALII HIGHWAY (ROUTE 50) — 1) LAWAI (WEEKEND WORK) Lane closure on Kaumualii Highway (Route 50) in the eastbound direction between Akemama Road and Omao Road on Sunday, Dec. 16, from 7 a.m. to 11 p.m., for tree trimming work. Traffic will be contraflowed. — KUHIO HIGHWAY (ROUTE 560) — 1) WAIKOKO TO WAINIHA (EMERGENCY WORK, LOCAL ACCESS BY CONVOY) Limited access for local traffic on Kuhio Highway (Route 560) between Waikoko and Wainiha on Mondays through Saturdays from 5:50 a.m. to 11 p.m. and Sundays and holidays from 6 a.m. to 11 p.m., due to slope stabilization work. To view the limited access schedule, please click here. For Immediate Release: Dec. 13, 2018 18-0557 HAWAII ISLAND LANE CLOSURES FOR THE WEEKEND OF DEC. 14 – DEC. 16 PLEASE NOTE: Lane closure schedules may change at any time without further notice. All projects are weather permitting. — MAMALAHOA HIGHWAY (ROUTE 11) — 1) VOLCANO (24-HOUR WORK) Alternating lane closure on Mamalahoa Highway (Route 11) in both directions in the vicinity of mile marker 29.3 near the Volcano National Park entrance on Friday, Dec. 14, through Friday, Dec. 21, over a 24-hour period, seven days a week, for road repairs. — HAWAII BELT ROAD (ROUTE 19) — 1) SOUTH HILO (WEEKEND AND WEEKLY WORK) Alternating lane closure on Hawaii Belt Road (Route 19) in both directions in the vicinity of mile marker 11.1 at Pepeekeo on Saturday, Dec. 15, and Monday, Dec. 17, through Friday, Dec. 21, from 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m., for road repairs. ### #HDOT #weekendlaneclosures #Honolulu #waimalu #kalanianaolehighway #ainahaina #pali #nuuanu #kapolei #fortweaverroad #ewa #kunia #Kalihi #kuhio #hilo #kaumualii #hawaiiisland #kauai #maui #mamalahoa #volcano #hawaiibeltroad


    HONOLULU, Hawai‘i – During the 19th Annual Western Legislative Academy (WLA), a program of The Council of State Governments West (CSG West), fellow class members elected Hawaii Senator Kaiali‘i Kahele as their Class President. In this capacity, Senator Kahele will represent both the 2018 WLA Class and all alumni as an executive committee member of CSG West. Senator Kahele will also host the WLA Alumni reception and Annual Legislative Training Assembly (ALTA) session during the 2019 CSG West Annual Meeting in Big Sky, Montana. As a member of the Executive Committee, which serves as the organization’s governing board, Senator Kahele will participate in reviewing the work of the CSG West policy committees, consider policy positions, and the selection of the next WLA class participants. “Senator Kahele’s dedication, enthusiasm and insights are inspiring and I congratulate him on this achievement and wish him all the best with his work with WLA,” says Senate Majority Leader J. Kalani English ( (Dist. 7- Hana, East and Upcountry Maui, Moloka‘i, Lana‘i, Kaho‘olawe) About the Western Legislative Academy The WLA is an annual training program offered to western state legislators in their first four years of cumulative service. The program convenes in Colorado Springs, Colorado. Participants are selected on the basis of their dedication to public service, desire to improve personal legislative effectiveness, and commitment to the legislative institutions they serve. Training sessions focus on skills needed for effective lawmaking and allow for learning from topic experts, as well as fellow class members. The WLA experience is designed to reinforce CSG West’s purpose to facilitate regional cooperation and strengthen western state legislatures. About the Council of State Governments West CSG West is a non-partisan, non-profit organization serving the western region of the United States. CSG West is one of four regions of The Council of State Governments forming a national community of states. Through its structure, CSG provides a forum for member participation focused on regional topics, as well as a national platform for the exchange of ideas and information. For more information about CSG West, please visit #westernlegislativeacademy #senatorkahele #kaikahele #kaialiikahele #CSG #WLA #councilofstategovernmentswest #senatorenglish #JKalaniEnglish


    HONOLULU – At the direction of the President of the United States, Gov. David Ige has ordered that the United States flag and the Hawai‘i state flag will be flown at half-staff at the State Capitol and upon all state offices and agencies as well as the Hawai‘i National Guard in the State of Hawai‘i, beginning immediately for 30 days, in honor and tribute to the memory of President George H.W. Bush and as an expression of public sorrow. “President Bush lived a life of service to our nation, from a combat plane to the halls of Congress and the White House. As we pay tribute to his leadership, let us vow to serve our communities, our state and our nation with the same spirit. Dawn and I send our heartfelt aloha to the entire Bush family,” said Gov. David Ige. The president’s proclamation can be found here. #GEORGEHWBUSH #President #PresidnetBush #HawaiiRemembers #davidige #hawaiisenate #hawaiistatecapitol #governorige

  • Governor Ige extends emergency relief period for Hawai‘i Island lava flow

    HONOLULU – Gov. David Ige signed a fifth supplementary emergency proclamation relating to the volcanic activity and lava flows in the Puna District of Hawai‘i County. The fifth supplementary proclamation extends the authority to spend state funds as appropriated for quick and efficient action to protect the health, safety and welfare of Hawai‘i County residents. This proclamation also provides additional time for Puna Geothermal Venture to re-establish, or begin to re-establish, the regulatory framework under which it is required to operate. Gov. Ige signed the initial emergency proclamation on May 3, when the latest Kīlauea eruption began. He signed the first supplementary proclamation on June 5, the third on Aug. 3, and the fourth on Oct. 2. The current disaster emergency relief period continues until Dec. 29, 2018 #puna #governorige #davidige #punageothermalventureKilauea #disasteremergency #disasteremergencyrelief #Punadistrict


    HONOLULU – The Hawaii Department of Education (HIDOE) has received a $1 million grant from the Department of Defense Education Activity (DoDEA) Partnership that will fund Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) education for kindergarten through eighth grade students at eight military-impacted schools in the Campbell-Kapolei Complex Area over five years. These schools will be able to integrate an online science curriculum to support their existing STEM program, Project Lead the Way (PTLW). The grant will focus on increasing students’ science academic achievement by providing quality instruction and relevant hands-on lessons and opportunities to utilize technology in-class to support more problem-based learning. “STEM-related education positively impacts students’ academic potential and career readiness and the DoDEA grant will help them to develop this vital learning foundation at early ages,” said Superintendent Dr. Christina Kishimoto. “Previous grants from our generous partners at DoDEA have provided funding for teacher training, lesson materials and equipment and their continued support will help to expand STEM learning to new schools in West Oahu.” The grant includes Ewa Makai Middle School and seven elementary schools: Ewa Beach, Holomua, Hoʻokele, Iroquois Point, Keoneʻula, Makakilo and Mauka Lani. Each of these eight schools has significant populations of military-dependent students whose parents serve in the various branches of military service. “Our continued partnership will impact the academic achievement of military-dependent students from kindergarten through eighth grades,” said Sean Tajima, Campbell-Kapolei Complex Area Superintendent. “We are honored to receive this third DoDEA grant that will provide quality Science learning experiences and STEM learning opportunities so our students can be college and career ready.” PLTW also has a built-in STEM Professional Development component that offers teachers tools for robust and flexible instructional support leading to increased academic achievement, as well as an ongoing professional community. “I am very grateful that we will be able to move STEM education forward for our students via a quality science curriculum aligned with Next Generation Science Standards,” said Project Director Hope Espinda. “We will also be integrating research-based strategies, such as Response to Intervention and STEM extra-curricular activities during each year of the five-year grant.” For more information on STEM education at Hawaii’s public schools, please visit ### About the Hawaii State Department of Education
 The Hawaii State Department of Education is the ninth-largest U.S. school district and the only statewide educational system in the country. It is comprised of 256 schools and 36 charter schools, and serves about 180,000 students. King Kamehameha III established Hawaii’s public school system in 1840. To learn more, visit #STEW #DEPARTMENTOFEDUCATION #STEM #EWAMAKAIMIDDLESCHOOL #EWABEACHELEMENTARY #HOLOMUAELEMENTARY #HOOKELEELEMENTARY #IROQUOISPOINTELEMENTARY #KEONEULAELEMENTARYMAKAKILOELEMENTARY #MAUKALANIELEMENTARY #SEANTAJIMA #PLTW #NEXTGENERATIONSCIENCESTANDARDS #HOPEESPINDA #CHRISTINAKISHIMOTO


    HONOLULU, Hawai‘i – The Hawai‘i State Senate today confirmed the Senate Committee Chairs and Vice Chairs for the 30th Legislature. #HAWAIISENATE #25 #RONALDKOUCHI #MICHELLEKIDANI #JKALANIENGLISH #DRUKANUHA #LESIHARA #lesiharajr #kaialiikahele #lorraineinouye #gilbertskeithagaran #braintaniguchi #clarencenishihara #mikegabbard #russellruderman #karlrhoads #laurahielen #kurtfevella #rozbaker #gilriviere #jarrettkeohokalole #sharonmoriwaki #glennwakai #stanleychang #maileshimabukuro #MikeGabbard #donnamercadokim #donovandelacruz


    HONOLULU – Gov. David Ige and Lt. Gov.-elect Josh Green will be sworn-in on Monday, Dec. 3, 2018 at the State Capitol Rotunda. The public is invited to attend. There are seats available for the public, on a first come-first served basis. This will be Gov. Ige’s second inauguration. He was initially sworn in as the 8th governor of the State of Hawai‘i on Dec. 1, 2014. He will be accompanied by his wife, First Lady Dawn Amano-Ige and his three children, Lauren, Amy and Matt as he takes the oath of office for his second term. This will be the first inauguration for Lt. Gov.-elect Josh Green, formerly a state senator from Hawai‘i Island. He will be accompanied by his wife Jaime and children Maia (11) and Sam (8). Additional information: PARKING: There will be no public parking in the State Capitol or surrounding state garages/parking lots, including the Department of Health Lot L, ‘Iolani Palace and the Judiciary Building, until the conclusion of the inaugural ceremony. All public metered parking along Punchbowl Street, King Street, and Richards Street surrounding the State Capitol will be reserved and not available to the public until after the inaugural festivities are complete. Parking on other streets or in private garages such as Alii Place or Bishop Square may be available. PROGRAM: 10:30 a.m. — Musical Prelude by the Royal Hawaiian Band and The Kamehameha Schools Children’s Chorus 11:25 a.m. – Processional of the inaugural party. Former Gov. George Ariyoshi and Jean Ariyoshi, Former Gov. John Waihee and Lynne Waihee, Former Gov. Ben Cayetano and Vicky Cayetano, Former Gov. Linda Lingle, Former Gov. Neil Abercrombie and Dr. Nancie Caraway. Chief Justice Mark Recktenwald will administer the Oath of Office to both Gov. Ige and Lt. Gov.-elect Green. Traditional 10 cannon salute by the Hawai‘i National Guard Brief remarks by both Gov. Ige and Lt. Gov. Green. Photos of the inauguration will be available following the event, at: ### #stateofHawaii #governorige #davidige #LtGovelect #JoshGreen #DawnamanoIge #royalHawaiianBand #KamehamehaSchool #KamehamehaSchoolsChildrensChorus #GeorgeAriyoshi #JeanAriyoshi #JohnWaihee #LynneWaihee #BenCayetano #VickyCayetano #LindaLingle #NeilAbercrombie #NancieCaraway #MarkRecktenwald #chiefjusticrecktenwald #HawaiiNationalGuard #HawaiiInauguration

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