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    Everyone is advised to get a flu vaccination HONOLULU – The Hawai‘i Department of Health (DOH) is advising physicians statewide to be alert for patients who have traveled from Wuhan City, Hubei Province, China. The department sent out a detailed medical advisory to healthcare providers today on reporting, testing, specimen collection, and interim healthcare infection control recommendations for the 2019 Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV). Providers are advised to notify the DOH Disease Outbreak Control Division immediately if a patient meets the case criteria. The DOH is also advising everyone (six months of age or older) and especially those who travel to receive a flu vaccination. Dr. Sarah Park, state epidemiologist, said, “With current seasonal influenza activity, it is likely that there may be confusion as persons with influenza will exhibit similar signs and symptoms such as fever and cough. The more people vaccinated against flu, the more helpful that will be.” The DOH is closely monitoring the outbreak of 2019-nCoV occurring in China and regularly coordinating with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. In addition to issuing a Medical Advisory today to ensure all clinical providers are informed, the DOH is coordinating with Emergency Medical Service personnel/first responders, the Department of Transportation, and infection control partners in medical facilities throughout the state. DOH is also monitoring its well-established respiratory surveillance network which reviews flu activity in the state. Online resources for the 2019-nCoV are posted at An outbreak of a 2019 novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) in Wuhan City, Hubei Province, China has been developing since December 2019. This outbreak now includes more than 300 confirmed infections and several deaths in China with confirmed cases also in Thailand, Japan, the Republic of Korea, and the United States (one case in Washington State). While human-to-human transmission appears limited, the situation continues to evolve. Nearly all travelers from China enter the state from other U.S. or international ports of entry that are being monitored. If you have traveled to Wuhan and feel sick, you should do the following: Seek medical care right away. Before you go to a doctor’s office or emergency room, call ahead and tell them about your recent travel and your symptoms. Stay home. Except for seeking medical care, avoid contact with others. Not travel while sick. Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue or sleeve (not your hands) when coughing or sneezing. Wash hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. Use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer if soap and water are not available. For more information, including information for clinicians and public health professionals, please go to the following CDC and WHO webpages: PDF: DOH provides guidance to healthcare providers for 2019 Novel Coronavirus outbreak in China #HawaiiDepartmentofHealth #DOH #CoronaVirus #2019nCoV #Health #SarahPark #WashHands #CoverYourMouth #China #WuhanCity #HubeiProvince #HawaiiState #OneHawaii


    HOUSE, SENATE HEALTH COMMITTEES TO HEAR TESTIMONY ON FIGHTING THE STATEWIDE OPIOID EPIDEMIC WITH HEALTHY ALTERNATIVES WHO:       Representative John Mizuno, Chair, House Committee on Health Senator Rosalyn Baker, Chair, Senate Committee on Commerce, Consumer Protection and Health WHAT:       Info. Briefing on fighting the statewide opioid epidemic with health alternatives WHEN:     Thursday, January 23 at 9:00 a.m. WHERE:    Hawaii State Capitol / Room 329 Honolulu, Hawaiʻi –The House Committee on Health and the Senate Commerce, Consumer Protection, and Health Committee will review alternatives in addressing the opioid addiction crisis at 9 a.m. Jan. 23 in room 329 at the State Capitol. This briefing will provide a snapshot of provider perspectives for alternative treatment modalities that prevent or reduce the abuse of prescribed opioids that alleviate pain from injury or chronic health conditions. The collaboration of alternatives to opioids is based on a model of multi-disciplinary care that is used in other settings referred to as the “quad” model. According to the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and the U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency: 200 Americans die every day from an opioid overdose,2,000 Americans suffer an overdose every day,From 1999 to 2017, more than 700,000 people have died from a drug overdose. In an effort to combat the opioid epidemic the focus will be on supporting healthcare providers in the following categories: Medical Management (20 minutes), Body and Pain Management – Physical Therapy (20 minutes), Acupuncture (20 minutes), Massage Therapy (20 minutes), Transforming to a Quad Model – Department of Health's Hawaii Opioid Initiative on Education, Prevention and Pain Management (20 minutes), and Mind/Behavioral/Cultural Practices (20 minutes). The hearing will be televised LIVE on ‘Olelo channel 53 and available islandwide. This event may be viewed online at ‘Ōlelo Community Media No public testimony will be accepted #Health #HawaiiSenate #CDC #Opioid #OpioidEpidemic #HawaiiLegislature #OleloCommunityMedia #HealthyAlternatives #HawaiiState #Addiction

  • Flags to fly at half-staff in honor of HPD officers Tiffany Enriquez and Kaulike Kalama

    HONOLULU – Gov. David Ige has ordered that the United States flag and the Hawai‘i state flag be flown at half-staff at the Hawai‘i State Capitol and upon all state offices and agencies as well as the Hawai‘i National Guard in the State of Hawai‘i, immediately until sunset on Friday, Jan. 24. This action is taken to honor Honolulu Police Department officers Tiffany Enriquez and Kaulike Kalama who were shot and killed in the line of duty on Jan. 19. Flags will also be flown at half-mast from sunrise until sunset on the day of services for each of the fallen officers. Notification will be provided when information about the services is available. “These officers paid the ultimate price to ensure the safety of our community. As we honor their sacrifice, we grieve with their families,” Gov. Ige said. #TiffanyEnriquez #KaulikeKalama #HonoluluPoliceOfficers #HPD #FlagOrder #HonoluluPoliceDepartment #DavidIge #HawaiiStateCapitol #HawaiiNationalGuard

  • 25th Anniversary of the day of service honoring Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

    The Martin Luther King Jr. holiday on Jan. 20, 2020, marks the 25th anniversary of the day of service that celebrates the Civil Rights leader’s life and legacy. Observed each year on the third Monday in January as “a day on, not a day off,” MLK Day is the only federal holiday designated as a national day of service to encourage all Americans to volunteer to improve their communities. The Corporation for National and Community service has been charged to lead this effort for the last quarter century. Source: #MartinLutherKingJr #DayOfService #MLK #MLKDay #HawaiiHonorsMLK #CivilRights #IHaveADream #BeOfService #ServeYourCommunity #HawaiiSenate #OneHawaii #HawaiiStateLegislature

  • Statement by Governor David Ige on loss of two Honolulu Police officers killed in the line of duty

    “Our entire state mourns the loss of two Honolulu Police officers killed in the line of duty this morning. As we express our condolences to their families, friends and colleagues, let us also come together to help and support those who have been forever changed by this tragedy.” --Governor David Ige

  • Senate Anti-Harassment Policy

    The Hawaii State Senate’s Anti-Harassment Policy is separately posted on the Senate web page link “Anti-Harassment Policy.” Carol Taniguchi, Chief Clerk of the Senate, is the Hawaii State Senate’s Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) Officer and Americans with Disabilities Act Compliance Coordinator.

  • Bipartisan Women’s Legislative Caucus meeting and press conference

    Honolulu, Hawaiʻi – The bipartisan Hawaiʻi Women’s Legislative Caucus will hold a panel discussion on Wednesday, January 22, 2020 at 7:45 a.m. at the YWCA of Oʻahu, 1040 Richards Street, to announce their 2020 package of legislation. The caucus will be available to the press for interviews after the presentation. More information on the event: The Women’s Legislative Caucus co-conveners for 2019-2020 are Senators Rosalyn H. Baker and Laura H. Thielen and Representatives Lauren Matsumoto and Linda Ichiyama. New co-conveners are elected every two years. #HawaiiWomensLegislativeCaucus #YWCA #OrganizationOfWomenLeaders #RozBaker #LauraThielen #HawaiiSenate #HawaiiLegislature #HawaiiState

  • Legislature to hold biosecurity briefing

    State agencies will outline efforts to prevent invasive species from entering Hawai‘i Honolulu – The Senate Committee on Agriculture and Environment, Chaired by Senator Mike Gabbard, the House Committee on Energy and Environmental Protection, Chaired by Representative Nicole E. Lowen, and the House Committee on Agriculture, Chaired by Representative Richard P. Creagan, will hold a joint informational briefing to get an update on Hawai‘i's Interagency Biosecurity Plan. The briefing will take place on Tuesday, January 21, 2020 at 12:30 p.m. in Hawai‘i State Capitol conference room 229. The Department of Agriculture will be setting up tables outside the hearing with live invasive species specimens. The hearing will be televised live on ‘Olelo channel 49, and will be aired via tape delay on the neighbor islands. The hearing can also be watched live online at Link to the Biosecurity Plan: Presentations will be made by: Hawai‘i Invasive Species Council Department of Land and Natural Resources Division of Forestry and Wildlife and Division of Aquatic Resources Department of Agriculture Department of Health, Vector Control Branch University of Hawai‘i, College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources Department of Business, Economic Development and Tourism, Office of Planning Department of Transportation #Biosecurity #Agriculture #Environment #HawaiiSenate #HawaiiSenateMajority #HawaiiInvasiveSpecies #DLNR #Health #UniversityOfHawaii #DBEDT #Transportation

  • 2020 Senate Legislative Program prioritizes eight United Nations Sustainable Development Goals

    HONOLULU – The Hawai‘i State Senate released the 2020 Senate Legislative Program which prioritizes eight of the 17 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. The Senate has bipartisan dedication to the protection and sustainability of the islands’ people, communities, natural resources, and economic prosperity through advancing these U.N. goals. Senate Majority Leader J. Kalani English said “The Senate is committed to building a more resilient future for our islands by advancing statewide policy changes and encouraging sustainable partnerships between the public and private sectors. “The effects of climate change are upon us now,” he said. “Together, we can face this uncertain future through the implementation of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.” The Senate formally adopted the UN Sustainable Development Goals on April 3, 2018. This commitment has led to policy changes while fostering partnerships between government and organizations, including the Hawai‘i Green Growth United Nations Local 2030 Hub and the Hawai‘i Community Foundation’s CHANGE Framework, to promise and enhance a coherent statewide policy for sustainable development. The Sustainable Development Goals the State Senate are prioritizing are: Good health and well-being: Improving access to quality health care, including mental and behavioral health services, reducing youth vaping, and repurposing underutilized state facilities. Quality education:To ensure inclusive and equitable quality education, and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all, by improving teacher recruitment and retention, strengthening civic education programs, increasing revenue sources to support and enhance secondary education, and expanding career and technical education opportunities to develop a 21st century workforce. Decent work and economic growth: To promote full and productive employment, and work for all, by encouraging job creation and workforce development programs, embracing innovation, and developing sustainable business plans to invest in the future of Hawai‘i. Reduced inequalities: To promote social, economic, and political growth for all by increasing the minimum wage, requiring paid family leave, and creating a retirement savings program. Sustainable cities and communities: A commitment to develop inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable neighborhoods by increasing access to affordable and transitional housing, reducing homelessness, increasing local food production to promote food security, protecting agricultural lands, improving infrastructure, and investing in modern transportation. Climate action: Taking urgent action by promoting carbon neutrality, ocean conservation, sustainable land use, and protection of watersheds. Peace, justice and strong institutions: To promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all; and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels by exploring effective options to restructure government, increase Hawai‘i’s participation on the international level, enhance public safety, improve social services, expand the Sister State Program, support the State Archives, and increase civic education statewide. And partnership for the goals: To strengthen the means of implementation of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals by encouraging and promoting effective public, private, and civil society partnerships, building on existing initiatives to develop measurements of progress on sustainable development that complement economic goals. #HawaiiSenate #HawaiiSenateMajority #SustainableDevelopmentGoals #SDG #UnitedNations #Environmental #OneHawaii

  • Randall Tanaka appointed as Assistant Superintendent for Office of Facilities and Operations

    Randall Tanaka has been named assistant superintendent for the Hawaiʻi State Department of Education’s Office of Facilities and Operations. He will oversee construction and maintenance of school facilities and operations of food services, transportation and security. “Mr. Tanaka is poised and ready to lead our Facilities and Operations team in implementation of Board priorities, my Superintendent priorities, and the 2030 Promise Plan,” said Superintendent Dr. Christina Kishimoto. “He is committed to ensuring all students and the educators who lead, teach and support them walk onto a public school campus every morning with excellent facilities that reflect 21st century instructional spaces that inspire educational innovation and a discovery approach to learning and teaching.” Prior to his appointment, Tanaka served as deputy director of the Department of Business, Economic Development and Tourism (DBEDT). He previously served as president and executive director of the 2016 World Conservation Congress event in Honolulu and was responsible for the logistics of hosting over 10,000 delegates from 190 countries. Tanaka also previously served as chief operating officer of the 2011 Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Hawaiʻi Host Committee; Director of Commercial and Auxiliary Enterprises, Safety and Security, at the University of Hawaiʻi Community Colleges; and in various capacities at the Hawaiʻi Convention Center and in the hospitality industry. “I stand ready to overcome the challenges that come with maintaining an infrastructure system as large as our public schools,” added Tanaka. “I know there are good people currently on staff and I look forward to collaborating with them as well as the Department’s partners and contractors to develop new approaches to ensure our operations are effective and serve our students and educators well.” Tanaka holds a Bachelor of Science from the University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa (UHM) and lectures at the UHM Travel Industry Management School. He holds a wide range of professional affiliations including the Professional Convention Management Association, the International Association of Venue Management and the United States - Japan Hawaiʻi Council. Source: #RandallTanaka #HDOE #Education #HawaiiState #PublicEducation #OneHawaii

  • Hawai'i State Senate - 2020 Legislative Program

    The Senate is committed to building a more resilient future for our islands by advancing statewide policy changes and encouraging sustainable partnerships between the public and private sectors. The effects of climate change are upon us now. Together we can face this uncertain future through the implementation of the 17 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. Senator J. Kalani English

  • "Live at the Legislature" with Senate Majority Leader J. Kalani English

    Senate Majority Leader, J. Kalani English appeared on "Live at the Legislature" to discuss the upcoming session. Senator J. Kalani English #HawaiiSenate #2020Legislature #HawaiiSenateMajority #LiveAtTheLegislature #OneHawaii Season 2 Episode 1 featuring Sen. J. Kalani English.

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