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Writer: Hawaiʻi State Senate Hawaiʻi State Senate

(L-R) State Representative Luke A. Evslin, House Majority Leader Nadine K. Nakamura, House Majority Floor Leader Dee Morikawa, and Senate President Ronald D. Kouchi

Members of the Kauaʻi Delegation are pleased to announce that $190 million in funding for Capital Improvement Projects (CIP) and $365,000 for Grant-in-Aid (GIA) have been secured in the 2024 Legislative Session to bring improvements and funding for resources and facilities throughout the Garden Isle. Senate President Ronald D. Kouchi (D-8 Kaua'i, Ni'ihau) stated, "These state funds will deliver significant and sustainable investments into important projects that address the community's needs."


The State Budget Bill (HB1800 CD1) was approved by the House of Representatives on Wednesday, May 1, and by the Senate on Friday, April 26. Upon passage from the House and Senate, the bill now heads to the governor's desk for signature.

House Majority Floor Leader Dee Morikawa (D-17 Ni‘ihau, portion of ‘Ōma‘o, Kōloa, Po‘ipū, Lāwa‘i, Kalāheo, ‘Ele‘ele, Hanapēpē, Kaawanui Village, Pākalā Village, Waimea, Kekaha) sits on the House Finance Committee and was one of the conferees representing the House during budget negotiations with the Senate.

"We have again been very successful with projects for Kauaʻi. Kauaʻi Veteran's Memorial Hospital is a critical hospital on the westside, and it is very important that we designate funds to upgrade our emergency room and rehab department to modernize and improve efficiency for our community's healthcare needs," said Representative Morikawa. "I am also pleased to be able to work with the County of Kauaʻi to obtain matching funds to resurface our westside basketball and tennis/pickleball courts. Additionally, food stability is contingent on supporting our agricultural initiatives, which this budget does as well as funding the maintenance of many parks and forest reserve facilities."

Representative Luke A. Evslin (D-16 Wailua, Hanamā‘ulu, Kapaia, Līhu‘e , Puhi, portion of ‘Ōma‘o said, "We're thankful for a successful year of Capital Improvement Projects on Kauaʻi. These projects focus on improving transportation, increasing access to clean water to enable more housing options in Līhu‘e, and improving public access to state forest reserves."

House Majority Leader Nadine K. Nakamura (D-15, Hā‘ena, Wainiha, Hanalei, Princeville, Kīlauea, Anahola, Keālia, Kapa‘a, portion of Wailua, Kawaihau) joins her colleagues in commending the productive legislative session that has delivered critical funding for the Garden Isle.

"We entered this session understanding that our immediate focus remained to address the Maui wildfire recovery efforts, prioritizing safety and rehabilitation of our communities while ensuring core services throughout the rest of the state were not neglected," said Representative Nakamura. "I am pleased to see critical projects receive funding, such as $8,000,000 for track and field upgrades and site improvements at Kapa‘a High School. Funding is critical to ensure track and field meets can be held while the Vidinha Stadium is undergoing major renovations."

FY25 Funding for Kauaʻi State Infrastructure:

·       $1,000,000 for construction to improve and strengthen the bridge approaches, supporting structures and appurtenant work at Christian Crossing Bridge, Kalepa.

·       $500,000 for construction for road and infrastructure improvements in Līhu‘e-Kōloa Forest Reserve.

·       $500,000 for construction for improvements to the marina building facilities in the marina area at Wailua River Park.                                                                          

·       $20,000,000 for plans, land, design, construction, and equipment to include the assessment, site selection, land acquisition, and financial and project delivery to relocate the existing Kauaʻi Community Correctional Center and replace it with a new KCCC and Community Transitional Center.

·       $2,500,000 for construction for replacement of 18-inch water main along Kūhiō Highway (Hardy to Oxford St.) provided that no state funds shall be expended unless the County of Kauaʻi contributes matching county funds for state funds on a dollar-for-dollar basis.

·       $96,829,000 for land acquisition and construction for improvements to terminals, systems, facilities, and land acquisition at Līhu‘e Airport. This project is deemed necessary to qualify for federal aid financing and/or reimbursement.

·       $24,000,000 for plans, land acquisition, design, and construction of capital improvement program projects that will provide for safer, more efficient use of existing and/or additional operational areas throughout Nawiliwili Harbor. This project is deemed necessary to qualify for federal aid financing and/or reimbursement.

·       $1,650,000 for design and construction for resurfacing of tennis courts at Kekaha Faye Park (including basketball court), resurfacing of basketball courts at Waimea Athletic Field, and resurfacing of tennis courts at Hanapēpē Stadium, provided that no state funds shall be expended unless the County of Kauaʻi contributes matching county funds for state funds on a dollar-for-dollar basis.

·       $2,000,000 for plans, design, and construction for a post-harvest processing center in Kekaha (Kekaha Agricultural Association) ground and site improvements; equipment and appurtenances.

·       $2,500,000 for construction to improve interior access road and Kekaha Ditch Crossing - Kekaha Bridge.

·       $5,000,000 for plans, design, and construction for Kawaikōī stream and Waikoali stream crossing repairs and improvements in the Nā Pali-Kona Forest Reserve.

·       $500,000 for design and construction for improvements and repair of electrical systems and infrastructure at Kokeʻe State Park Baseyard.

·       $1,000,000 for design and construction for phase 2 road and parking improvements at Kokeʻe State Park.

·       $1,000,000 for plans, design and construction of Waimea Canyon lookouts, hazard mitigation improvements for health and safety.

·       $1,000,000 for construction to complete ongoing projects at Polihale State Park including but not limited to roadway improvements, security for cultural and environmental resources, comfort stations, and pavilions.  This project is deemed necessary for Federal aid financing and/or reimbursement.

·       $3,000,000 for design, construction, and equipment for modernization of operating room at Kauaʻi Veteran's Memorial Hospital Emergency Department.

·       $1,183,000 for construction to renovate the rehab department to modernize suites and improve efficiency at Kauaʻi Veteran's Memorial Hospital.

·       $8,000,000 for Kapa‘a High School Track and Field Upgrades.

·       $2,400,000 for Kapa‘a Homesteads Well No. 4 Site Development and Connecting Pipeline. The water from this improvement will provide fire protection for Kapa‘a Elementary School and Kapa‘a High School, and is needed to support the implementation of affordable housing, new pre-K classrooms, police substation, and hospital improvements on the grounds of the Samuel Mahelona Memorial Hospital.

·       $2,400,000 for Kapa‘a Homesteads 313' Tanks (two- 0.5 MG tanks). Water from this improvement will provide fire protection for Kapa‘a Elementary School and Kapa‘a High School, and is needed to support the implementation of affordable housing, new pre-K classrooms, police substation and hospital improvements on the grounds of the Samuel Mahelona Memorial Hospital.


FY25 Capital Improvement Projects for Kauaʻi organizations


  • $300,000 for Easterseals Hawaiʻi

  • $500,000 for Kauaʻi Habitat for Humanity

  • $150,000 for Hale Halawai ʻOhana o Hanalei

  • $50,000 for Hui Makaʻāinana o Makana

  • $400,000 for Kapaʻa Business Association, Inc.

  • $75,000 for Kauaʻi Economic Opportunity, Inc.

  • $230,000 for Kauaʻi Food Bank, Inc.

  • $100,000 for Kauaʻi Humane Society


FY25 Operating Grant-in-Aid:

  • $150,000 for Hanalei River Heritage Foundation

  • $100,000 for Kauaʻi Humane Society

  • $40,000 for Kauaʻi Philippine Cultural Center

  • $75,000 for Kauaʻi Planning & Action Alliance, Inc.

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