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Writer: Hawaiʻi State Senate Hawaiʻi State Senate

Senator Cross Makani Crabbe (District 22 – KoʻOlina, Nānākuli, Māʻili, Waiʻanae, Mākaha, Mākua) issued the following statement regarding his appointment to fill the vacancy left by the retirement of former Senator Maile Shimabukuro in May 2024:


Senator Cross Makani Crabbe

“As a lifelong resident of the 96792 community, I deeply understand the importance of strong representation for the Leeward Coast. I am most honored and humbled to accept this opportunity to serve our community during this interim period. My neighbors from the Leeward Coast have repeatedly said that they felt neglected by government, and I am determined to lift their voices and reverse that perception. This is why I am accepting the kuleana to fill the District 22 Senate seat until the general election on November 5.  


I look forward to advocating for the people of 96792, focusing on the issues that matter most to our residents. The office has been vacated for 60 days, so there are many constituent-related matters to attend to. My focus as our interim Senator includes working on issues facing the community, including: 


  • Cost of Living: Advocating for affordable housing and lower utility costs to ensure everyone can thrive in our community. 

  • Local Economy: Supporting small businesses and creating job opportunities to strengthen our local economy. 

  • Education: Ensuring our keiki have access to quality education and resources to succeed. 

  • Public Safety and Infrastructure: Improving transportation and public services to enhance our quality of life and keep public safety as a top priority. 

  • Native Hawaiian Advancement: Supporting initiatives that respect and uplift the Native Hawaiian community. 

  • Houselessness: Working on practical solutions to address homelessness with compassion and effectiveness. 


I intend to be a voice for those who feel unheard and to assure you that our government does care. I do not take this responsibility lightly and look forward to working with Representatives Cedric Gates and Darius Kila to provide the services and support for our community. 


Mahalo to Representative Cedric Gates for being an exemplary teacher and encouraging me to fight for my community. Having worked with Representative Gates for four years, I know what it takes to be an effective and accomplished leader, and I hope to live up to his example over the next few months.


I extend my appreciation to the Democratic Party District Council Representatives of House Districts 44 and 45 for electing me to be on the short-list along with other eligible nominees. 


Mahalo to Governor Josh Green for appointing me to fill this vacancy and upholding the law. Together, we will work to ensure that the Leeward Coast has the representation and support it deserves.”


Senator Crabbe is a former legislative staffer for Representative Cedric Gates and has also worked for the City and County of Honolulu – Office of Housing. He has a Bachelor's of Arts degree in Social Justice and Cultural Studies and a Bachelor’s of Arts degree in Life Sciences from Seattle Pacific University. He has a Master’s of Public Administration degree from Hawaiʻi Pacific University. He has served as the Vice-Chair of the Waiʻanae Coast Neighborhood Board and is a member of the Waiʻanae Hawaiian Civic Club. 

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