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Writer: Hawaiʻi State Senate Hawaiʻi State Senate

HONOLULU – The Hawaii Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs (DCCA) Professional and Vocational Licensing Division’s (PVL) MyPVL service was announced as a winner of the 3rd annual Center for Digital Government, Government Experience Awards. The awards recognize the achievements and best practices of states, cities and counties that have gone to the web and beyond to radically improve the experience of government and push the boundaries of how citizen services are delivered.

MyPVL is a one-stop-shop for users to manage an existing license or to register as a professional licensee. MyPVL consists of three modules: My Licenses, My Applications, and an Inbox, all of which can be accessed via a single login. The My Applications module lets users submit and track new applications, as well as receive notifications within the in-app Inbox. My Licenses enables the on-going renewal and maintenance of one or more licenses.

The success of MyPVL is demonstrated by the usage data, with over 146,512 individual accounts managing 159,169 licenses and 26,887 applications. 76% of all new applications and 92% of renewals are all completed within MyPVL.

Additionally, earlier this year License Pocket ID cards and Wall Certificates were made available through MyPVL for immediate download and printing at no cost to licensees. The updated pocket ID card provides additional consumer protection with a QR code design imprint, in which consumers can scan to verify the licensee’s current status through the linked PVL public search service. The real-time delivery of the pocket ID cards have eliminated the manual printing and mailing of 100,000 pocket ID cards annually.

“We are always seeking to expand access and service to our consumers and licensees. It is our goal to continue to provide better service and streamline the process to support Hawaii’s licensed individuals and entities,” said Charlene Tamanaha, Licensing Administrator for PVL. “For example, one such enhancement to allow for online applications helped cut processing time for new Guard Employee (GDE) from 15 days to 3-5 days.”

The Professional and Vocational Licensing Division licenses 52 different professions and vocations to include 25 licensing regulatory boards and commissions as well as 27 licensing programs. PVL handles about 20,000 new applicants and over 60,000 license renewals, plus thousands of address or name changes annually.

MyPVL service enables 24/7 access to information and services from a single dashboard for all PVL licensees. It was created through a partnership with PVL and the state’s internet portal manager, Hawaii Information Consortium, LLC. MyPVL is accessible at

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