Senator Donovan M. Dela Cruz, Chair
Senator Gilbert S.C. Keith-Agaran, Vice Chair
NOTICE OF HEARING DATE: Monday, August 28, 2017
TIME: 11:30 a.m.
PLACE: Auditorium
State Capitol
415 South Beretania Street

County Surcharge on State Tax; Extension; Transient Accommodations Tax; Appropriations
A G E N D A (Updated 8/25/17 9:50am to clarify written testimony procedures)
The Committees will hold a hearing on the following bill after its introduction and referral at the convening of the Special Session of 2017 on Monday, August 28, 2017:
Pending Introduction and Referral to WAM
Authorizes a county that has adopted a surcharge on state tax to extend the surcharge to 12/31/2030. Authorizes a county to adopt a surcharge on state tax before 3/31/2018, under certain conditions. Decreases from 10% to 1% the surcharge gross proceeds retained by the State. Allows the director of finance to pay revenues derived from the county surcharge under certain conditions. Clarifies uses of surcharge revenues. Establishes a mass transit special fund and specifies that funds be allocated for capital costs of a mass transit project, under certain conditions. Increases the TAT by 1% from 1/1/2018 to 12/31/2030 and allocates revenues to the special fund. Establishes that if a court makes a monetary award to a county due to the State's violation of state law or constitutional provision relating to the State's deduction and withholding of county surcharge on state tax revenues, then an amount equal to the award shall be withheld from the additional TAT revenues paid over to the mass transit special fund and shall be credited to the general fund. Makes $103,000,000 the permanent annual allocation of TAT revenues to the counties. Requires the state auditor to conduct an audit and annual reviews of HART. Requires the comptroller to certify HART's expenditures for capital costs. Appropriates funds for the department of budget and finance, DAGS, and the state auditor. Requires the senate president and house speaker to each appoint 2 non-voting, ex-officio members to the board of directors of HART. (SB1)
Decision Making to follow, if time permits.
Written Testimony may be submitted up to 24 hours prior to the start of the hearing.
Persons wishing to testify should submit testimony in one of the following ways:
• Email:
• if you are ONLY submitting written comments and will NOT be testifying in person
• if you are ALSO going to testify at the hearing in person
• In person: Deliver 1 copy of your testimony to the committee clerk, Room 208, State Capitol.
• Fax: Testimony may be faxed if less than 5 pages in length, to 586-6951 or 1-800-586-6659 (toll free for neighbor islands).
Please Note: All testimony received by the Hawai‘i State Senate is posted on the Hawai‘i Legislature's website, which is accessible to the public. Please do not include private information that you do not want disclosed to the public.
While every effort will be made to incorporate all testimony received on time, materials received on the day of the hearing or improperly identified or directed, may be distributed to the Committee after the hearing.
The Committee on Ways and Means would like to hear from as many individuals as possible. As such, and as a courtesy to those patiently waiting for their opportunity to address the Committee on Ways and Means, it is requested that each speaker limit their oral testimony to two (2) minutes.
Per committee protocol, testifiers will be called up in the following order:
• Government
• Organizations & Businesses
• Individuals
Day of Hearing:
Due to the anticipated high number of testifiers, those who plan to testify in-person including government officials, organizations, and individuals must register at the sign-in table at the entrance of the Auditorium. The registration table will open at 10:30 a.m. Registered testifiers will be assigned to a group and given a ticket to indicate one's place on the testifier list and speaking order. This ticket will be your entrance pass into the hearing.
General seating for non-testifiers will be available on a first come first served basis. Additional viewing areas and seating will be made available in Conference Rooms 224, 225, and 211.
If you require auxiliary aids or services to participate in the public hearing process (i.e. ASL or foreign language interpreter, or wheelchair accessibility), please contact the committee clerk at least 24 hours prior to the hearing so that arrangements can be made.