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STATE CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT HIGHLIGHTS - CIP part of fiscal years 2018, 2019 budget

Writer's picture: Hawaiʻi State Senate Hawaiʻi State Senate

Honolulu, Hawaii – As part of the state budget bill passed in conference committee yesterday, lawmakers included funding for Capital Improvement Projects (CIP) statewide.

Representative Sylvia Luke and Senator Jill Tokuda co-chaired the conference committee and Rep. Kyle Yamashita and Senator Donovan Dela Cruz managed the CIP funding.

Capital Improvement Projects are renovations, repairs, and major maintenance to existing facilities, landscape improvements, new construction, land acquisition, and utility modifications.

Capital Improvement Projects Biennium Budget Totals (not including CIP grants-in-aid):

FY2018: $1,007.9 billion General Obligation Bond Funds

FY2019: $49.4 million General Obligation Bond Funds

FY2018: $2,269.7 billion All Means of Financing Funds

FY2019: $695.1 million All Means of Financing Funds


Agriculture • $608 thousand for invasive species treatment units. • $1.2 million for improvements to the Waimanalo irrigation system. • $4 million for improvements to the Waiahole water system. Accounting and General Services • $10 million for master plans and an environmental impact study for Aloha Stadium. • $15 million for improvements and maintenance of existing public facilities and sites, statewide. Business, Economic Development, and Tourism

• $3 million for an underground utility distribution system in Kalaeloa. • $25 million for the Rental Housing Revolving Fund and $25 million for the Dwelling Unit Revolving Fund to finance additional affordable rental housing. • $1 million for transit-oriented development master plan of state-owned parcels near proposed rail stations. Defense • $6 million to retrofit buildings with hurricane protective measures to increase the number of emergency shelters, statewide. • $5 million for incremental addition, replacement, and upgrade of the state Civil Defense warning and communications equipment, statewide. Education • $90 million to address condition for school facilities statewide. • $32.9 million to address equity for school facilities statewide. • $32.9 million to address program support for school facilities statewide. • $27 million for a new classroom building at Campbell High School. • $77 million for the construction of the new East Kapolei Middle School. • $63 million for the construction of Kihei High School • $11.5 million for the construction of a fifteen classroom building at Mililani Middle School • $12.3 million for the construction of a new administration building at Waihee Elementary School. • $15 million for the construction of a performing arts center at Moanalua High School • $15 million for Phase I of a new classroom building at Waipahu High School. • $10 million for the new Pohukaina Elementary School. • $6.5 million for health, safety, accessibility, and other code requirements for public libraries, statewide. Hawaiian Home Lands • $19.4 million for the development of Hawaiian Home Lands' lots. • $7.6 million for repair and maintenance projects on Hawaiian Home Lands. Human Services • $20.1 million for site, dwelling, and security improvements at Hawaii Public Housing Authority facilities.

Health • $1.6 million for improvements and renovations to the Kahuku Medical Center. • $19.9 million for improvements and renovations to the Hawaii Health Systems Corporation, statewide. • $2.1 million to modernize elevators at Diamond Head, Lanakila, and Leeward Health Centers. • $4.5 million for re-roofing, interior and exterior improvements to the Hilo Counseling Center and Keawe Health Center. Land and Natural Resources • $2.2 million for assessments, maintenance, and remediation of dams under the jurisdiction of the Department of Land and Natural Resources. • $5 million for dredging and related improvements to the Ala Wai Canal. • $3 million for rockfall and flood mitigation at various locations, statewide. • $9.3 million for Kaanapali beach restoration and berm enhancement. • $100,000 for hazardous tree mitigation in forest reserves, game management areas, natural area reserves, and wildlife sanctuaries. • $400,000 to provide statewide support for fire and natural disaster response. • $2.5 million for improvements at various boating facilities, statewide. • $3 million for flood damage reconstruction at the Iao Valley State Monument, Maui.

• $20.3 million for construction and improvements at small boat harbors, statewide.

Public Safety • $34.4 million for new additions, renovations, alterations, electrical and mechanical infrastructure improvements and rehabilitation of buildings, at Public Safety facilities, statewide. • $8 million for a new consolidated women's housing associated support office, and other improvements at the Women's Community Correctional Center, Oahu. Transportation • $31.6 million for renovations and new restroom facilities at various airports statewide. • $170 million for improvements to the overseas terminal ticket lobby at Honolulu International Airport, Oahu. • $30 million for improvements at gates 29 and 34 to accommodate A380 Aircraft at Honolulu International Airport, Oahu. • $8.7 million for a new United States Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Inspection Station at Kona International Airport, Hawaii. • $39.2 million for holdroom and gate improvements at Kahului Airport, Maui. • $10.5 million for inbound baggage handling system improvements, Kahului Airport, Maui. • $7.2 million for terminal improvements at Molokai Airport, Molokai. • $4.5 million for a new aircraft rescue and firefighting (ARFF) garage, renovation of the terminal, and replacement of airfield lighting at Kalaupapa Airport, Maui • $17.8 million for ticket lobby and holdroom improvements at Lihue Airport, Kauai. • $7.5 million to address storm water run-off, erosion, passenger safety issues, ineffective drainage, and/or subsurface irregularities at Nawiliwili Harbor, Kauai. • $190.6 million for the repair, rehabilitation, improvements, and/or replacement of bridges, statewide. • $56.8 million for improvements, installation, or upgrading of guardrails and shoulders on state highways, statewide. • $89 million for a new roadway and/or realignment, and extending the Daniel K. Inouye Highway from the Hilo Terminus to the Queen Kaahumanu Highway, Hawaii. • $50 million for shoreline protection, highway realignment, and beach fill/nourishment for state highways, statewide. University of Hawaii • $30 million for the Culinary Institute of the Pacific, Phase II at Kapiolani Community College, Oahu. • $5 million for renovations at Snyder Hall, University of Hawaii at Manoa, Oahu. • $83.2 million for the renewal, improvements, and modernization of facilities at the University of Hawaii at Manoa. • $10 million for capital renewal and deferred maintenance at University of Hawaii Community Colleges, Statewide. • $10 million for minor capital improvement projects at University of Hawaii Community Colleges, Statewide.


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