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Writer: Hawaiʻi State Senate Hawaiʻi State Senate

Honolulu, Hawaiʻi – Since 2006, the collective student debt in the U.S. has tripled, reaching nearly $1.8 billion, making it the second-largest form of debt after mortgages. Amid growing concerns over the affordability and value of higher education, a bipartisan task force of State legislative leaders from over 30 states convened last week in Washington, D.C., to release a comprehensive three-part report, outlining a broader vision on higher education policymaking and a coordinated strategy to improve the value of college degrees.


The report is divided into three topic areas:

·         Trends in Higher Education: Understanding Policy and Outcomes

·         The State-Federal Relationship in Higher Education

·         A State-Led Strategy to Enhance the Value of Degrees


Senate Committee on Higher Education Chair Senator Donna Mercado Kim (Senate District 14 – Kapālama, ʻᾹlewa, Kalihi, Kalihi Valley, Ft. Shafter, Moanalua Gardens & Valley, Red Hill), a member of the National Conference of State Legislatures’ Task Force on Higher Education, praised the bipartisan approach in developing a state-led strategy for addressing critical issues in higher education.


This task force marks the first bipartisan group of State legislators to examine the U.S. higher education system in nearly two decades. Its recommendations come at a pivotal time for higher education, as public confidence in colleges and universities has waned, and college enrollments continue to decline.


“The task force took a deep dive in discussing issues facing our students and the need for our universities to adapt to the rapidly changing needs of those they serve.  I have been raising many of these issues locally and have been criticized for doing so.  Serving as a member of this national bipartisan task force confirmed that my concerns are shared by leaders across our nation,” says Senator Kim.


The report calls for a collaborative approach between State governments, institutions, and Federal partners, including urging Congress to reauthorize the Higher Education Act.


Key takeaways from the report include:

·         Proposing a “State-Led Strategy to Enhance the Value of Degrees” which includes over 30 actions that States, institutions, and Federal partners can either collaborate on or individually implement to ensure more students receive degrees of value.

·         Examining the performance of the U.S. higher education system and calling on higher education institutions to adapt to the reality of today’s students who may benefit from being served outside of the traditional model of higher education.

·         Explaining the task force’s perspective on the state-federal relationship in higher education and expressing a preference for a federal approach that emphasizes transparency and improvement to support State goals, rather than an expanded Federal role in affordability and accountability.


Highlighting trends in higher education affordability and student outcomes, along with recent and historic developments in state and federal policy.


As the task force continues its work, it hopes to inspire action at both the State and Federal levels to implement policies that ensure better outcomes for more students in the nation.


For more information or to download a copy of the full report, please visit here.





The NCSL Task Force on Higher Education is the first bipartisan effort of state legislators on national issues in higher education since 2006 and includes legislators and legislative staff from 32 states. The task force has committed to continuing its work in pursuit of its strategy to ensure more students receive degrees of value.


NCSL is a bipartisan organization that serves the legislators and staffs of the states, commonwealths and territories. It provides research, technical assistance and opportunities for policymakers to exchange ideas on the most pressing state issues and is an effective and respected advocate for the interests of the states in the American federal system. Stay connected with NCSL on Facebook, X, LinkedIn and Instagram. 

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