Pest Identification Instructions for Oahu
To reduce public exposure to COVID-19, effective immediately, the HDOA is temporarily suspending the receipt of incoming physical samples of insects for identification that are dropped off at the King Street office without appointments.
Interested persons who would like to have insect and plant samples identified should first send an email detailing the pest issue you are concerned with and supplement your description with digital images of the pest and damage it is causing. If the problem cannot be handled through digital images or phone calls, we will advise the submitter on the next steps, which may include dropping off samples.
Send Emails for Pest identification to:
Include clear, in focus photos of the pest and the damage it is causing
Try to get some photos as close as possible, while still maintaining sharpness
In the photo, put a common object next to the pest or damage to show size scale (e.g., ruler, coin, or pencil)
Please include the following information:
Your name and contact information.
Pest issue
Date pest was observed
Describe damage pest is causing
Describe the pest:
What plant is it infesting/feeding on?
How long has this been a problem?
Questions: Please call 973-9530
A copy of this notice is available to download at: