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  • Writer's pictureHawaiʻi State Senate

Hawai‘i State Senate Special Committee on COVID-19 reconvenes Friday, April 17

The Special Committee will reconvene tomorrow to assess and advise the Senate regarding the State of Hawaii's COVID-19 plans and procedures to include, but not limited to:

  1. Confirm the development of the state departmental plans and procedures;

  2. Review and assess current state departmental plans and procedures;

  3. Review and assess whether state departmental plans and procedures are properly and timely implemented to safeguard public health and safety; and

  4. To communicate and disseminate information obtained therefrom.

The special committee will be meeting with the following:

11:00 a.m.             Office of the Governor

                              Ms. Linda Chu Takayama, Chief of Staff

Department of Human Resources Development

                              Mr. Ryker Wada, Director

Department of Labor and Industrial Relations

                              Mr. Scott Murakami, Director

1:15 p.m.               Department of the Attorney General

                              Ms. Clare Connors, Attorney General

Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs

                              Ms. Catherine Awakuni Colón, Director

2:00 p.m.               Department of Transportation – Airports Division

                              Mr. Ross Higashi, Deputy Director

Hawaii Tourism Authority

                              Mr. Chris Tatum, CEO

Please note that there may be committee members or invited speakers participating remotely via video or teleconference.

The meeting will be available for live viewing on ‘Olelo Channel 49 on O‘ahu and will go out live for pick up by neighbor island public access channels.

It will also live stream online at []

No public testimony will be accepted.

If you require special assistance, please call 586-6800 or email your request to


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