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Writer's pictureHawaiʻi State Senate

Hawai'i COVID-19 Joint Information Center's Daily News Digest for August 3, 2020

Governor’s Office:

Governor Addresses Spike in Cases, Gives Update on Contact-Tracing Capacity

Gov. Ige held a news briefing Monday after DOH reported another spike in COVID-19 cases. A total of 207 cases were announced today, although 114 of those cases are due to delayed test results.

The governor pointed out it is a result of community spread and that people have been relaxing and letting their guard down. He also gave an update on contact tracers in the state, providing assurances that despite concerns, DOH has enough contact tracers trained to handle the number of cases. Gov. Ige said, “The number of contact tracers currently on staff are managing today’s demands. The DOH is activating more contact tracers to handle the expected increase in cases.” He also pointed out the National Guard has 60 contact tracers available to assist at a moment’s notice and scale up on contact-tracing capacity.

However, the governor and DOH have both noted that contact tracing isn’t a substitute for safe practices, such as physical distancing and wearing masks, that prevent the spread of the virus. In his briefing Gov. Ige said, “As we re-opened, many people have relaxed their vigilance and this new surge is a result. If we don’t get this surge under control, we may need to put back some restrictions and no one wants to see that. We can only beat COVID-19 by working together. Everyone needs to take personal responsibility. Wear a mask, wash your hands, practice physical distancing, avoid large gatherings, stay home if you’re sick, and keep your children home if they feel sick. We were successful in keeping the virus under control and I know we can do it again.”

Department of Health:

Triple Digit Coronavirus Case Counts Continue into a Second Week

The highest, single-day record of new positive COVID-19 cases is being reported by the Dept. of Health today, at 207. Approximately 114 of these cases are the result of delayed reporting over the weekend, a result of private clinical laboratory reporting issues.

Health Director Bruce Anderson said, “It’s becoming increasingly more difficult to detail all of the situations in which people are becoming infected with coronavirus. It runs the whole gamut of hanging out with close friends, socializing in bars, attending religious events and funerals, and many other types other social gatherings. This virus does not discriminate on who it infects and the only way to prevent its spread is to limit exposure to others by using face coverings, physical distancing and avoiding gatherings and crowded places. Unfortunately, Hawai‘i is experiencing spikes in cases similar to many mainland states, and in most cases, we can track new infections back to those who have let down their guard. Everyone needs to take this very seriously.”

Hawai‘i Tourism Authority:

2,977 Passengers Arrive on Sunday

Yesterday, a total of 2,977 people arrived in Hawai‘i including 713 visitors and 1,083 returning residents. There were a total of 29 arriving flights. This table shows the number of people who arrived by air from out of state yesterday but does not show interisland travel.




Department of Land and Natural Resources:

Beach Crowding & Violation of Safe Boating Rules Continues

Many beaches on Oʻahu were as crowded as they were before the COVID outbreak. On Maui, Little Beach in Makena State Park was less crowded than normal. This was likely the result of social media postings that suggested law enforcement would be on scene to break up so-called drum circles. Health investigations have traced at least one case in a person who recently attended a drum circle. With an estimated 100 people on the beach for sunset at Makena and the rising of the full moon, there were no masks in evidence and there appeared to be little, if any, physical distancing between groups of people. The scene here was repeated on beaches and in parks across the state.

The DLNR Division of Conservation and Resources Enforcement (DOCARE) reports receiving numerous complaints over the weekend of people, particularly in State Parks, not abiding by state and county emergency rules. This includes multiple complaints about people on small boats not following the required rules.

“As long as individuals in our communities fail to accept personal responsibility for the spread of COVID-19, we are unfortunately going to see continued days of triple digit numbers,” said Anderson. “This already has resulted in the renewal of restrictions on large social gatherings and other conditions and is likely going to lead to additional ones.”


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