Funds support pesticide regulation, 911 upgrade, college tuition and homeless services
Honolulu, Hawaii – House and Senate conferees met today to complete negotiations on a final version of HB100 HD1 SD1, the state budget bill. The committee agreed on funding for pesticide regulation and studies ($1.5 million) and three Department of Agriculture positions for pesticides compliance; special funds for an enhanced 911 dispatch software upgrade ($7.8 million); general funds for the Hawaii Promise Program ($3.6 million) to provide college tuition support; and general funds ($4.7 million) to support housing, outreach and legal services for homeless people.
The House Finance and Senate Ways and Means conference committee met several times to iron out the differences between the two budget versions which need to be completed by April 28, the deadline for all fiscal bills to pass out of conference committee.
The final conference draft will be voted upon by the Legislature and, if approved, sent to the Governor for his signature.
Rep. Sylvia Luke (Dist. 25 - Makiki, Punchbowl, Nuuanu, Dowsett Highlands, Pacific Heights, Pauoa), said the conference committee was able to come up with a successful budget because of the hard choices made initially by both the Senate and the House.
“When we first received the budget from Governor David Ige, we were looking at a very different financial picture,” said Luke, the House Finance Committee Chair. “As it became clear that the state would have less revenue, we needed cut about $500 million off the governor’s request. We were able to do that because of the hard work of the committee members.”
“Our ability to reach agreement on the budget reflects a shared belief that as resources are constrained, we must focus on priority needs that can be sustained. Even as fixed costs and unfunded liabilities rise, our communities look to us to provide support for the most basic and essential programs and services from homeless and health care to protecting the environment and resources for our keiki and kupuna,” said Senator Jill Tokuda (Dist. 24 - Kaneohe, Kaneohe MCAB, Kailua, Heeia, Ahuimanu), chair of the Senate committee on Ways and Means. At today’s meeting, the committee highlighted many budget items upon which there was agreement in the House and Senate budget drafts.
• Add $1,500,000 in general funds in FY18 for Agricultural Loan Revolving Fund (AGR101/GA). • Add (2) permanent positions and $226,134 in FY18 and (3) positions and $200,000 in FY19 in general funds for the Agricultural Food Safety Certification Program (AGR151/BB). • Add (1) position and $115,772 in general funds in each FY for the Industrial Hemp Pilot Program (AGR151/BB). • Add (3) permanent positions and $79,236 in FY18 and $158,472 in FY19 in general funds for pesticides compliance (AGR846/EE). • Add $750,000 in general funds in each FY, non-recurring, for pesticide regulation expenses and studies (AGR846/EE).
• Add (1) permanent position and $39,000 in FY18 and $77,000 in FY19 in general funds for contract audits (AGS104/BA). • Change means of financing for (5) permanent positions and $505,585 from trust funds to general funds in each FY for Campaign Spending Commission (AGS871/NA). • Add $7,800,000 in special funds in FY18 for Enhanced 911 Board Computer Aided Dispatch Software Upgrade (AGS891/PA).
• Add $5,000,000 in general funds in FY18 for Litigation Fund (ATG100/AA). • Add $70,000 in special funds in each FY for maintenance of internet based registration systems and charity registration databases (ATG100/AA).
• Add (1) permanent position and $25,386 in FY18 and $50,772 in FY19 in general funds for compliance with decisions and orders of Land Use Commission (BED103/DA). • Add $250,000 in general funds in FY18 for feasibility and benefits study for establishing a small satellite launch and processing facility in the State (BED128). • Add $200,000 in general funds in FY18 for a market assessment and feasibility study for the development of a basalt fiber manufacturing plant in Hawaii (BED128). • Add (1) permanent position and $28,584 in FY18 and $57,168 in FY19 in general funds for economic research (BED130/FA). • Add $1,000,000 in general funds in FY18 for Excelerator Program for High Technology Development Corporation (BED143). • Add $1,000,000 in general funds in FY18 for manufacturing grant program for High Technology Development Corporation (BED143). • Add $1,000,000 in general funds in FY18 for small business innovation research program (BED143). • Add (1) temporary position and $27,618 in FY18 and $55,236 in FY19 in general funds for Special Action Team on Affordable Rental Housing (BED144/PL).
• Add $34,625,428 in FY18 and $70,673,178 in FY19 in general funds for additional retirement benefit payments funding for the State to reflect phase-in of employer contribution rate increases. • Add (1) permanent position and $28,116 in FY18 and $51,432 in FY19 in general funds for the Administrative and Research Office’s Information and Technology staff (BUF101/BA). • Add (1) permanent position and $55,671 in FY18 and $107,552 in FY19 in funds for Hawaii Domestic Relations Orders implementation (BUF141/FA). • Add $9,700,000 in each FY for statewide centralized vacation payout (BUF103/VP). • Add (1) permanent position and $148,930 in trust funds in FY19 for investment analysis (BUF143/EU). • Add (3) permanent positions and $445,768 in general funds in each FY for Community Court Outreach Program (BUF151). • Add $33,420,000 in general funds in FY18 for operations subsidy for Maui Health System (HTH214/LS).
• Add (1) permanent position and $51,000 in FY18 and $84,000 in FY19 in trust funds for condominium education (CCA105/GA). • Add $200,000 in special funds in FY18 for consultant services and training (CCA901/MA).
• Add $325,000 in general funds in FY18 for Diamond Head Sewer Lift Station Emergency Generator (DEF110/AA). • Add $768,000 in general funds in FY18 for tree trimming and removal at Hawaii State Veterans Cemetery (DEF112/VA). • Add (1) permanent positon and $27,556 in FY18 and $54,112 in FY19 in general funds for heating, ventilation, and air conditioning maintenance (DEF110/AA).
• Add $1,000,000 in general funds in each FY for Early College High School Initiative (EDN100/BX). • Add $2,027,645 in general funds in FY18 for Office of Hawaiian Education (EDN100/CJ). • Add $2,800,000 in general funds and $2,800,000 in federal funds in FY18 for Hawaii Keiki Healthy and Ready to Learn program (EDN100/BX). • Add (2) permanent positions and $183,818 in general funds in each FY for Hawaii Teachers Standards Board (EDN200). • Add (15) permanent positions and $703,980 in general funds in each FY for Homeless Concerns Liaisons (EDN200/GQ). • Add $1,100,000 in general funds in FY18 for Student Information System Enhancement and Expansion (EDN300/UA). • Add (6) permanent positions and $135,216 in FY18 and $270,432 in FY19 in general funds for Workers' Compensation Program (EDN300/KO). • Add $670,000 in general funds in FY18 for Alternative Teacher Route Programs (EDN300/KO). • Add $293,557 in general funds in FY18 for Community Engagement Office (EDN300/KD). • Add (15) permanent positions and $779,310 in FY18 and $1,434,885 in FY19 in general funds for Title IX and Civil Rights Compliance Capacity (EDN300/KH). • Add (4) permanent positions and $1,755,525 in FY18 and $3,711,835 in FY19 in general funds for student transportation services statewide (EDN400/YA). • Add $100,000 in general funds in FY18 for athletic travel to and from Molokai and Hana (EDN400/YA). • Add $800,000 in general funds in each FY for environmental health services (EDN400/OC). • Add $1,500,000 in general funds in each FY for utilities (EDN400/OE). • Add $283,403 in FY18 and $207,445 in FY19 in general funds for personal services and food provisions for School Food Service programs (EDN400/MD).
• Add (3) permanent positions and $50,592 in FY18 and $101,184 in FY19 in general funds for Nanakuli Public Library (EDN407/QD). • Add $500,000 in general funds in FY18 for repair and maintenance backlog (EDN407/QB).
CHARTER SCHOOLS • Add $9,797,069 in FY18 and $10,668,406 in FY19 in general funds for Per Pupil Adjustment (EDN600/JA).
• Add $136,688 in FY18 and (10) permanent positions and $556,842 in FY19 in general funds for Pre-Kindergarten and Induction Program (EDN700/PK).
• Add $117,167 in general funds in each FY for membership fees for national and regional chief executive organizations (GOV100/AA).
• Add $3,000,000 in general funds in FY18 for Housing First Program (HMS224/HS). • Add $1,500,000 in general funds in FY18 for homeless outreach services (HMS224/HS). • Add $250,000 in general funds in FY18 for legal services for homeless persons (HMS224/HS). • Add (29) permanent positions and $1,828,585 in FY18 and $2,510,996 in FY19 in revolving funds for multi-skilled worker pilot program (HMS229/HA). • Add $1,553,559 in general funds and $2,309,090 in federal funds in each FY for nursing facility inflation factor (HMS401/PE). • Add $240,000 in general funds in FY18 for juvenile justice and delinquency prevention (JJDP) (HMS501/YA).
• Add $3,274,000 in FY18 and $3,524,000 in FY19 in general funds for worker's compensation claims (HRD102/SA).
• Add $36,486,000 in FY18 and $34,686,000 in FY19 in general funds for operations subsidy for the regions (HTH212/LS). • Add $3,000,000 in general funds in FY18 for working capital or region operating subsidy (HTH212). • Add $33,420,000 in general funds in FY18 for operations subsidy for Maui Health System (HTH214/LS). • Add $30,637,298 in general funds in FY18 for employee separation benefits related to the transfer of Hawaii Health Systems Corporation Maui Region.
• Add $500,000 in general funds in each FY for services for homeless individuals with serious and persistent mental health challenges (HTH420/HO). • Add $800,000 in general funds in FY18 for outreach and counseling services for chronically homeless individuals and families with severe substance abuse disorders (HTH440/HO). • Add $1,340,000 in FY18 and $1,613,000 in FY19 in general funds for purchase of service contracts for Child and Adolescent Mental Health (HTH460/HO). • Add (6) permanent positions and $422,540 in general funds in each FY for vector control (HTH610/FN). • Add $500,000 in general funds in each FY for Rat Lung-worm Disease (HTH610). • Add $799,833 in general funds in FY18 for statewide emergency ambulance services (HTH730/MQ). • Add (1) permanent position and $46,638 in FY18 and $93,276 in FY19 in general funds for investigation of suspected health clusters from environmental sources (HTH849/FD). • Add $4,145,695 in general funds in FY18 for Kupuna Care (HTH904/AJ). • Add $1,700,000 in general funds in FY18 for Aging and Disability Resource Center (HTH904/AJ). • Add (1) permanent position and $157,168 in general funds in each FY for long term care ombudsman program (HTH904/AJ).
• Add $750,000 in general funds in each FY for enrichment programs of the advisory boards for health care, agriculture, and STEM (LBR111). • Add $450,000 in general funds in each FY for transition to the federal workforce innovation and opportunity act (LBR135). • Add (1) permanent position and $24,966 in FY18 and $48,280 in FY19 in general funds for labor law enforcement (LBR152/CA). • Add (1) permanent position and $19,746 in FY18 and $39,492 in FY19 in general funds for legal support (LBR153/RA). • Add (1) permanent position and $60,530 in each FY for grants management (LBR903/NA).
DEPARTMENT OF LAND AND NATURAL RESOURCES • Add (3) temporary positions and $152,520 in general funds in each FY for ocean resources management plan support (LNR401/CA). • Add $4,000,000 in general funds in each FY for Hawaii Invasive Species Council (LNR402/DA). • Add $750,000 in general funds in each FY, non-recurring, for Rapid Ohia Death response (LNR402/DA). • Add $400,000 in general funds in each FY for fire protection program (LNR402/DA). • Add $350,000 in general funds in FY18 for second phase of new integrated information management system and digitization of reports, records, and files (LNR802/HP). • Add (15) temporary positions and $1,065,147 in FY18 and $1,097,047 in FY19 in general funds for personnel and operating funds for management and restoration of Kahoolawe Island Reserve (LNR906/AA).
• Add $165,000 in general funds in each FY for malpractice insurance (PSD421/HC). • Add $92,500 in general funds in FY18 for psychological testing for deputy sheriffs (PSD900/EA). • Add $1,500,000 in general funds in FY18 for lease rent for Department of Public Safety Administration building and moving costs (PSD900/EA).
• Add $93,860 in general funds in each FY for security for medical marijuana tax collections (TAX107/AA).
• Add (7) permanent positions and $157,939 in FY18 and $303,878 in FY19 for Airside Operations Section Security Unit Pass and Identification Office (TRN102/BC). • Add $300,000 in each FY for custodial and janitorial supplies for Custodial Services Unit (TRN102/BC). • Add (6) permanent positions and $162,752 in FY18 and $293,004 in FY19 for Federal Inspection Station (TRN114/BE). • Add $400,000 in each FY for Automated Passport Control Kiosk Maintenance Statewide (TRN195/BB). • Add $200,000 in each FY for underwater and superstructure pier inspections (TRN395/CB). • Add (2) permanent positions and $101,809 in FY18 and $203,618 in FY19 for H-3 Tunnel Management Center (TRN501/DC).
• Add (10) permanent positions and $679,152 in special funds in FY18 and $1,243,998 in special funds and $216,000 in federal funds in FY19 for Intelligent Technology Systems Branch (TRN595/DB). • Add $800,000 in FY19 for trash reduction plan implementation (TRN501/DC). • Add $3,514,950 in FY18 and $1,242,000 in FY19 for information technology projects (TRN995).
• Add $350,000 in general funds in each FY for concussion awareness (UOH100/AA). • Add (2.64) permanent positions and $240,800 in general funds in each FY for Heeia Reserve (UOH100/AA). • Add $250,000 in general funds in each FY for Title IX Administrator and Investigator for UH Manoa (UOH100/AA). • Add (2) permanent position and $150,000 in general funds in each FY for Title IX Administrator and Educator/Advocate for UH Hilo (UOH210). • Add (1) permanent position and $70,000 in general funds in each FY for Title IX for UH West Oahu (UOH700). • Add $1,829,000 in general funds in each FY for Hawaii Promise Program (UOH800). • Add (4) permanent positions and $820,000 in general funds in each FY for Title IX Coordinators, Confidential Advocates, and Legal Support (UOH800). • Add (2) permanent positions and $375,000 in general funds in each FY for Title IX System-wide Legal Support (UOH900).
Budget worksheets detailing the appropriations in the overall Executive, Judiciary and Office of Hawaiian Affairs budget bills are available on the Capitol website at http://www.capitol.hawaii.gov/budget/2017budget.aspx